Walking in another world – Chapter 471 – Majolica’s dungeon – 39F

The giant guards that appear on this floor really are fully equipped. They all have light armor, and hold weapons.

They mostly use blunt weapons or axes, but some have swords or spears.

Also, just as I read, they can have shields. These ones look heavily protected at first, but they only really block frontal attacks.

“They go down without a problem if we coordinate our attacks.”

“Yes. It will be tough when multiple ones show up and they get behind us, but I still don’t think it’ll be bad if we just make sure to protect ourselves and take them down one by one.”

I say, and Rurika responds, as we analyze our previous fight.

“So, should we keep going? Go back?”

Asks Siphon, and we decide to keep going.

The main reason is that, while there were quite a few monsters on the thirty-eighth floor, there were progressively fewer as we got closer to the staircase, and we had to fight less. That’s probably because of the many reactions from people I see, that are probably here to get used to fighting giant guards.

“That’s probably because they have a safe area where they can rest in front of the boss room.”

“And they can go back right away.”

Says Siphon, and Geitz responds.

We have a return stone, but we want to save it for an emergency. It can spawn in treasure chests in boss rooms, but it’s pretty uncommon.

Some people even challenge bosses multiple times to try to get one, but that’s become pretty heavily controlled lately. People have to report to the guild before going to the boss rooms on the tenth and twentieth floors, and as more parties get through the thirtieth floor, similar rules are probably going to be put in place there.

Well, there’s a cooldown time before the boss of a room can be fought again, so the same people can’t keep challenging them over and over.

“…Should we fight them with only a few people from now on, just to practice? While keeping things safe, of course. With our numbers, if we get surrounded by five of them, it’s going to have to be two or three of us against one of them.”

“So, fighting without Geitz and I, and without golems?”

“It’s probably a good idea to get used to fighting them without shield users. Conversely, I think you and Geitz should get used to handling one of them each, for when we get surrounded.”

I feel like I’m more than capable of handling them.

I’m confident that I wouldn’t lose a one-on-one fight against them if I used my skills, but strong magic spends a lot of magic energy, so I can’t beat one after the others.

For example, I can make my weapon sharper by infusing it with magic energy, but magic energy is flowing into it when I attack, so it ends up still spending a lot.

But if I prepare beforehand and can maintain it, it opens up more possibilities. For example, I can infuse effects with magic, but if there was a version of that for magic energy…

While we rest, I start looking for a skill that can do that, and find it.


Magic Energy Infusion Lv1

This can infuse weapons with magic energy, but unlike the effect version, the magic energy gradually disappears with time.

But what if I put the infused item in the Item Box? Apparently the magic energy stays there.

Still, its low level means that it consumes a lot of MP, and doesn’t infuse a lot. I need to patiently raise its level.

Now I want two mithril swords, one for fighting, and one to infuse magic energy, but… I think I can afford mithril now. I could also mine it directly on the fifteenth floor, because despite people mining there, there are surprisingly few sellers. I guess everyone wants a mithril weapon.

I’ve heard that all of this has had the side-effect of there being more blacksmith who handle mithril now.

I could get a magic sword too, but I don’t see those too often. I think they also spawn in treasure chests in dungeons.

“Magic sword… Jin and I use them, but they’re actually pretty tricky.”

Says Siphon.

They use elemental magic swords that also release magic energy to increase their attack power.

That feature is activated by the user, but once the magic energy is released, the magic sword’s attack power goes down until it recovers.

That means it’s like a trump card.

“Mithril swords are stable and easy to use. And they’re very sharp and light. Well, that’s why they’re expensive.”

Siphon’s party normally uses regular weapons. Although they’re also one of a kind items made by specialists.

And after adding the thirty-ninth floor to the list of conquered floors, we return to the surface.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
7 months ago

Thanks for the treat.