Walking in another world – Chapter 478 – Traveling – Part one

“Are you going out?”

“Yes. A little far this time, so I was going to get ready.”

Answers Mia, and Elsa looks sad.

“Ah, but you two are coming with us, so you should change and get ready too.”

Mia quickly explains when she sees Elsa’s reaction. She misunderstood because Mia didn’t explain well enough.

I think Mia can handle getting them ready.

Hikari and the others left early in the morning to buy things they can only get here. Basically, gifts.

“What about Siphon’s party?”

We’re thinking about going to the capital of Elesya, and Nahal and Eril in Eldo.

And so, we thought to invite them to their home country, but…

“Someone we know might drop by, so we’ll stay. And we need to take care of our equipment too.”

And so, they’re staying in Majolica.

First, we go to Hiriluk and the others’ house to tell them we’re going to Eril.

Some people might want to go back, or just send letters.

But when I get there, I see someone I wasn’t expecting.

“Why is the guildmaster here?”

Yes, Reese, the guildmaster of the adventurer guild is here. And having fun chatting too.

“I didn’t tell you?”

Hiriluk’s tone sounds different than usual, but I also notice Reese has a troubled expression.

“We should talk about this now.”

Reese says she used to live in the faraway town, and was one of the people that left to gather information.

That’s surprising, but it surprises me even more to hear she’s a half elf.

“Eh? But it showed you were human…”

I mumble.

“It’s because I have an item that blocks Appraisal. Half elves don’t look that different from humans, so it’s difficult for regular humans to tell the difference.”

“So what brings you here, Sora?”

“We’ve been exploring the dungeon for a while, so we’re taking a small break. And we’re taking Elsa and Alto to Nahal, so I figured I’d come here.”

“…We just got here. Well, some people might want to send letters, so I’ll ask. More importantly, can you take Reese? I think Suiren and the others will want to see her.”

It’s been over ten years since Reese left the faraway town, and she hasn’t gone back even once.

“I heard about Miss Suiren and others moving to the Republic of Eldo, but I can’t leave the guild for a long period of time.”

“…I want this to stay a secret, but I have a Transfer skill that allows me to move somewhere instantly. There are conditions to it, but you can go there and return the same day.”

I say after Hiriluk looks at me like he’s asking if I can’t make it work.

We’re planning to leave tomorrow, but I can just take her there and bring her back.

“She’s got it together, but she can be a little careless sometimes, so please look after her.”

She doesn’t seem that way to me, but Hiriluk has known her for longer.

Then the people that want to write letters do so, and I take them with me.

When I get back home, I put the stuff the others bought in the Item Box. They got a lot of food like fresh vegetables.

“So the guildmaster of the adventurer guild…”

I tell them about Reese, and they’re surprised too.

“But what about Elsa and Alto? Are they ready?”

“Yes, no problem.”

I turn to them, and they look a little restless.

They don’t know anything outside of this area, so they’re probably looking forward to going out.

The fact that Hikari always tells them about our travels and the stuff she eats probably plays a part.

And then, the next morning, Reese comes here like she said.

“Hum, isn’t that a bit too much you’re carrying?”

Reese has a big bag that she’s holding up with both hands.

“…I thought I might as well bring some gifts.”

She probably knows that’s a lot, because her face is a little red.

I put it in the Item Box too, and we go to Eril.

Reese, Elsa, and Alto are anxious about traveling by Transfer for the first time, and hold on to me.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
7 months ago

Thanks for the treat.