Walking in another world – Chapter 481 – Traveling – Part three

“Sora, hum, is it true that you can Transfer to the town in the middle of the dark forest?”

“I can.”

Reese asks me a question all of a sudden while we relax after having dinner, and I reflexively answer.

She says she wants to go there once before leaving, and I accept. It’s been a long time since she left the faraway town, so she probably wants to see her old home.

“I don’t think there’s anyone there though.”

“I know, but it’s still not an easy place to get to, without this opportunity.”

She was escorted by demons like Ignis when she left. And she traveled not through Elesya or the empire, but through the beast kingdom.

“Isn’t that a big detour?”

I ask, surprised.

“Mister Ghido said I’d have to be strong if I was going to live in the world of my predecessors.”

She starts giggling, probably thinking back to that time.

The elves listening nearby like Suiren are a little exasperated though. I know what Ghido is like too, and he probably just wanted to fight.

And if they just had to get through the dark forest, one of the demons could have carried her.

Well, I’ve never actually seen them fly around while carrying people, but I can only assume they’re more than capable.

“Then we’ll stop there when it’s time to leave. But I don’t know what might happen, so I think it’s best if you wear clothes that don’t hinder your movements.”

I really have no idea what the faraway town is like now.

◇ ◇ ◇

The next day after we have lunch, it’s time to go with Reese. It’s me, her, and my party, because it might be too dangerous for Elsa and Alto to come along.

I cast shields, summon golems, and I’m confident that we’re ready, but I really never know what to expect in this world.

When we reach the faraway town and leave the house, Reese stops, and looks around with a nostalgic expression.

We don’t do anything except quietly watch her. We know it’s best not to say anything in times like these.

But then, I pick up a reaction that could ruin the moment.

I turn that way, and see a black dot. It’s getting bigger and bigger, rushing very fast towards the faraway town.

It’s a two-horned demon, one I’ve never seen before.

“Mister Arlon?”

Apparently Reese knows who this is, but she also looks at the demon with surprise.

But the demon named Arlon is also surprised to see Reese.

“Reese? I heard you went to a human town… Oh, and you’re Sora, right?”

“I am.”

“I heard about you from Ignis and Ou. I just came here to check because I sensed people in the faraway town.”

They feel like it would be a problem if something happened to this place, so they made it so they can tell when someone trespasses.

This town is an important place for demons too.

Arlon assumed I’m Sora because of my black hair and eyes, but he’s also apparently relieved to see me here.

“Hold on a moment. I have a favor to ask.”

Says Arlon before hurrying to fly away.

We were asked to wait, so all we can do is wait, which means keeping our guard up and walking around town.

Actually, it’s more like since we have time, Reese is walking around and we’re following her.

And eventually, I see reactions on Presence Detection again. I assume one is Arlon, but apparently there’s one more.

Just like before, I see a black dot gradually getting bigger, with one difference this time. I can hear yelling.

“Hn, they’re fighting.

Says Hikari after they get relatively close.

I honestly can’t make out anything they’re saying, but I can by the time I can actually see them.

Yes, it sounds like a lover’s quarrel or something.

Arlon is carrying a woman, and looks exhausted by the time they get to us.

I look at the woman, and recognize her. She had red hair then, and red eyes too.

Now her hair is still red, but the roots are brown, and so are her eyes.

I use Appraisal to check her name, and see it really is the one Kotori was worried about.

Name – (Shizune) / Job – (Sorcerer King) / Level – (88) / Race – (Otherworlder) / Condition – (Excitement – Fatigue)

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
7 months ago

Thanks for the treat.