Walking in another world – Chapter 528 – Fors dungeon – Part six

The main competition will be held in two days, so we’re going to keep advancing through the dungeon.

Shizune is going with Elsa and Alto to train with Kaede, so it’s just our usual party, along with Kaina.

“Well then, can I try a few things?”

I ask the others, and then step forward.

From the twenty-second floor to the twenty-fifth, it’s all about werewolves. They just spawn faster the further up we go.

I’m going to use Composite Magic. I feel like it’s stronger than regular elemental magic, and if I use Parallel Thinking, I can fire it twice at the same time.

It spends more MP than normal, but it’s something like one point five times more, so it’s still good.

At first I take down werewolves with a couple of Thunderstorms, but by the time we get through the twenty-fifth floor, they go down to one.

The skill is getting stronger.

“You ended up taking them down all by yourself.”

Says Rurika, looking a little exasperated.

I’m sorry about taking away their chances to fight, but it’s fun seeing what a new skill can do.

Crimson Rock and Bubble Bomb are best for simple power, but for ease of use, the thunder types are the best.

They even come with a paralyzing effect, even if it’s not all that strong, and just numbs monsters a little, which makes their moves duller.

But even that is enough for me to transition into my next move, whether it’s another spell or a sword attack.

The only real problem is that its attack power can be too high. It’s one thing if I’m fighting alone, but if I’m fighting alongside other people, it might hit them too.

Chris also has her powerful area of effect spirit magic, but she can control the area it hits when people are nearby.

As for what comes next…

“From the twenty-sixth floor on, there are werewolves and their superior species, king wolf, right?”

I think Rurika read about it too, but she’s saying that so we remember it.

The thing to keep in mind the most is the group that appears at the end with the king wolf at the end. We’ll have to fight groups under the command of a king wolf.

“It can be tricky if they are coordinated.”

“Yes. We could draw them out and fight them individually too.”

And create a situation where the king wolf can’t command them.

“But this dungeon isn’t too big, so won’t that be hard?”

Asks Rurika while looking around.

The floors themselves don’t change on this dungeon until the fiftieth floor, where they’ll start getting a bit wider.

“We could also split into teams that battle the superior species and the other monsters.”

“Let’s take turns fighting the superior species on each floor then, so we can all get used to it.”

I think it would be safer to have someone in charge of it, but it might be good for everyone to get that experience too.

After all, there’s a low chance of finding a superior species out there, but it’s not zero.

I’ve even fought an orclord.

“Then Rurika, Hikari, and Sera can take the next one, and the rest of us will take the werewolves.”

Taking turns doesn’t mean we have to do it alone.

Also, if we fight in groups of three, we can do a better job gauging the power of king wolves.

◇ ◇ ◇

Once that’s settled, we advance to the twenty-sixth floor, where groups of ten werewolves spawn five times.

And the last one comes with a king wolf.

From this point forward, I’m holding off on the magic and mostly using the sword.

Chris is not really trying to defeat the monsters, and more just supporting us, while taking down a monster here and there.

The werewolves are easier to fight up close than I thought. Maybe it’s because they’re bipedal.

They’re fast, but that’s it.

“What’s the recommended rank for quests involving werewolves?”

“I think it’s C, although some D ranks accept them too. And I think people also randomly encounter them, but that’s rare.”

The adventurer guild has a lot of materials accumulated throughout its long history, but a lot of monsters no longer appear outside of dungeons.

In fact, no one even knows why monsters appeared in this world. They just keep coming no matter how many are taken down.

We end the day here after reaching the thirtieth floor.

I fought king wolves too, once with Kaina, and once with Sera.

It being a superior species means it’s strong, but I can deal with it easily, compared to what I faced so far.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
6 days ago

Thanks for the treat.