Walking in another world – Chapter 538 – Fors dungeon – Part eight

“There are no matches tomorrow, so let’s go to the dungeon.”

Says Rurika when we get back to the inn.

Chris and Mia smile awkwardly, but Sera and Hikari are on board. It looks like they’re itching to fight after watching matches.

The next morning, we do as Rurika said and head to the dungeon. Elsa and the others see us off as we go to the fifty-first floor.

There are tigerwolf types here, but from this floor forward, there will also be white tigers.

According to Chris, white tigers have the most valuable pelt out of all tigerwolf types, but we can only get it if the treasure chests feel like giving it to us.

As for their strength, they’re stronger against magic than tigerwolves, and they’re tougher.

“If we don’t have to care about ruining materials, I think I can easily take them out with my spirit magic.”

Says Chris. I want to try my Composite Magic too, and my regular magic.

“Let’s go!”

Rurika is excited, and Sera responds by twirling her axes. I hear the sound they make… Sera is fired up too.

First, we take out the tigerwolves that spawn, and I use Provoke to grab the attention of the black tiger and white tiger.

I attack too, but they coordinate well, so I can’t land any decisive hits.

I try magic, but a regular Fire Arrow does no damage to the white tiger. It doesn’t even try to dodge.

When I use Thunder, it dodges immediately, but the black tiger is hit, and the electric shock makes its movements dull.

I try to use that opportunity to take it down, but the white tiger gets in the way.

I could push through, but there’s no need to overdo it here.

I instead make it seem like I’m attacking the black tiger while keeping the white tiger in check.

Eventually, the tigerwolves are all taken down, so we all join together and keep going until the last two are down.

But that’s not the end of it, because of the dungeon we’re in. Once they’re all down, it doesn’t take long for the same number of monsters to spawn.

I read this happens five times. The respawn rate gets faster on the next floor, so they could very well spawn before we’re done with the last batch.

“Let’s pick up the pace a little. And next time, Sera and I will take on the white tiger and black tiger.”

Says Rurika as I fight tigerwolves.

If we want to go faster, it’s best to take them out in one go with area of effect magic, so Chris and I take turns firing it.

Meanwhile, Kaina is indifferently taking them down too. She’s possessing a golem, and since golems don’t have levels, she won’t level up either. But she’s learning from it, so it’s not like she isn’t growing at all.

I could also make the golem itself stronger. Could I take the materials I’m getting here to make a new golem body? I’m just worried about how she’ll do with a new body.

I think we’d only know if I actually made a new golem and she possessed it, but I don’t have enough materials anyway. Maybe I could buy them in the merchant guild or adventurer guild.

“How far are we going today?”

I ask while we have a lunch break.

We’re on the fifty-eighth floor, and the black tiger and white tiger set appears until the sixtieth, but once you’re used to them, they’re not much trouble.

We’re going to make a lot of money off the white tiger wolf pelt we get from the treasure chest, but people don’t react to it that much compared to the meat we get. Just goes to show how much people here love food.

I’d be more interested in the pelt if I could use it for Alchemy or Creation, but I don’t really care about using expensive materials as interior decoration.

“Minotaurs appear from the sixtieth floor onward, right?”

Asks Rurika, and I nod.

The floors from the sixtieth to the seventieth are all about minotaurs. And the superior species king minotaur appears from the sixty-six floor on.

“We don’t need to try too hard, but how about we keep going? We can decide where to stop after fighting minotaur.”

They’re pretty strong.

I first fought them in Altair’s dungeon, but I’ve grown since then. And Hikari and Rurika want to try new things with their new skills. They’ve already been doing it with the black tigers and white tigers.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
4 months ago

Thanks for the treat.