Walking in another world – Chapter 608 – Enhancement – Part two

The next day, we all go to the training area.

I already explained the Enhancement skill to everyone last night, but there’s an issue.

“Training is nice, but won’t we destroy buildings and stuff?”

Asks Rurika, but would it be that dangerous to enhance offensive skills?

“Then how about the dungeon? If we defeat all the monsters on a floor, we can stay there and train.”

We agree with Chris, and head to the dungeon right away.

We pick the sixty-sixth floor. We could have gone lower, but Hikari really wanted to come here.

“You’re so soft with Hikari.”

I can’t deny that when the proof is in front of us.

It’s hard to say no when she looks up at me like that.

“We might level up from taking down minotaurs too.”

It’s hard to level up because we’re all high level, but defeating a few strong monsters still gives us some nice experience.

That’s the reason I give, but it doesn’t really convince anyone.

“L-let’s just fight normally to warm up.”

The beast king and the others aren’t here today, so it’s just the seven of us. It’s fine, because we already beat this floor by ourselves, but we should still be careful.

We fight cautiously, but we end up getting through it very quickly.

First, I test the Enhancement skill in battle. I cast it on everyone’s equipment, and the minotaurs go down one after the other.

However, weapons with the Enhancement effect lose a lot of their durability, so it feels like a double-edged sword.

It’s not that big of a problem because I have the Alchemy and Blacksmith skills, but it might make it a little harder to strengthen a regular person’s weapon. Especially if it’s something valuable like a magic sword. I don’t want to break something and have to pay for it.

Also, if a weapon is made stronger, direct attacks have more power, but long distance attacks activated by skills like Projectile Slash aren’t affected.

“Mu, too bad.”

Says Hikari, but we can’t do anything about it. Actually, maybe that will change as the skill levels up.

Also, Projectile Slash is too fast for me to cast Enhancement, but I can buff Chris’ magic. That’s a good part of the reason why we can mop up the minotaurs like that.

It looks like it will be hard to enhance magic as it flies out, but even I can do it if the caster holds it.

But not everyone can do that. I think it’s down to Chris being so good with magic, and me having a grasp on the flow of magic energy and being able to detect magic when it’s ready.

An average sorcerer can’t hold a spell like that, and even the ones that can, can’t do it for very long.

It’s easy to forget that, because Chris does it like it’s nothing.

And me? I think I can use this in many different ways, including with Nene and Figel.

Those two are on a different level compared to an average sorcerer.

However, Chris also tells me that they can’t hold spells too long, because it spends magic energy.

“Master, it wasn’t meat.”

As I think back to the fight, Hikari comes back after opening the treasure chest.

The king minotaur fur that was in it is worth quite a bit. I should also be able to make some nice equipment with it.

But Hikari cares more about meat than high quality materials.

We have stuff we got on higher floors, so it’s actually not that valuable for us, and we’re just going to keep it as property of the party.

I don’t know when I’ll make things with Creation, so it never hurts to have materials.

Also, we’ve been making plenty of money, so it doesn’t hurt us to not sell this.

“One more time?”


You don’t have to look that happy.

Rurika and the others are smiling, like they’re thinking there’s no fixing me.

I’m soft with Hikari, but you’re not any different, you know?

“Let’s rest a little more. I have some other things to check too.”

I use Enhancement on a shield barrier to test how long it lasts, and check again how the durability of equipment goes down.

Things like how much does it go down with each attack, or how it changes when I block an attack in relation to the power of the attack.

I also test it on equipment created through Replication.

After that, we head up to the sixty-seventh floor.

It’s not that different, so we fight normally.

We end up going until the seventieth floor, and we get two king minotaur meat, and one minotaur meat.

After we leave the dungeon, the beast king asks why we didn’t invite him, but Ryuryu scolds him.

He thought we were in the training area, and tried to finish work quickly to go there.

At least the knights that trained with him are happy.

And so, while we wait for their equipment to be repaired, we go to the dungeon, spend time in the training area, walk around town with Elsa and Alto… And after all this time recharging our energy, it’s finally time to take on the hundredth floor.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
1 month ago

Thanks for the treat.