Walking in another world – Chapter 610 – Fors dungeon – Part thirty

It’s been nearly three hours since we started fighting fenrir.

We’ve been going back and forth between attacking and defending… But something inexplicable is happening.

As the reference materials said, after taking some damage, fenrir changes attack patterns. Or rather, adds more variation.

This is why we have to put more emphasis on defense, but we were expecting that, so it’s only by the third time it adds new attacks that we feel something’s off.

Kaina blocks an attack, but not completely, which flings her back and her balance is broken. We think fenrir will attack again, but it doesn’t.

We figure that’s just because Hikari and Figel throw in their support just in time, but as the battle continues, we gradually come to realize that’s not it.

“Is it holding back?”

Whispers the beast king with a frustrated and confused tone.

Yes, for some reason, when fenrir has us on the ropes and is coming for the killing blow, it stops for a moment.

I think a few of us would be in the recovery room by now if it wasn’t for that.

It’s good for us, but we can’t help but find it odd. We met dangerous situations on the floors before this, but none of the monsters there ever stopped their attacks halfway.

“Yes, I can feel something.”

Says Mia after I block a tackle from fenrir and I’m blown back to the back row.


“…I don’t know how to say it, but I feel like that fenrir is suffering. And… Something feels a little nostalgic. I think… It feels similar to Miss Eliana for example.”

“Eliana and Calotos?”

“Yes. And Elizabeth.”

I look at fenrir again.

Appraisal doesn’t show me its level, but other than that, it’s like any other monster. Analysis doesn’t change that either.

But after hearing that, I focus, and I also feel a presence similar to Eliana and Calotos.

It’s weak and hard to notice, but I think it’s definitely there. So is this fenrir a god? Is there a god sealed inside the monster?

Then I think back to the reference materials, and how fenrir fights almost like it’s prompting people to grow.

I remember how Eliana told us about a god that liked fighting, and loved getting stronger. Said god was attacked by the fairy god, and sealed in this tower.

What if this god knew about how this dungeon is currently? Would he work to stop it?

…I don’t know.

We were told we had to conquer dungeons to liberate gods, but if a god is sealed inside this fenrir, we might not need to conquer the dungeon.

The issue is how we liberate him. Do we have to defeat it? If that’s the case, it’s no different from conquering the dungeon.

“Sora, can you stop that fenrir from moving?”


“Yes. I want to test something.”

Mia says as she holds her staff tightly.

Stop it…

I look at fenrir, that just blocked an attack from the beast king and Sera, and is counterattacking.

It also targets the back row with its breath, so I cast Aura Shield.

Its offense and defense are becoming one, and there’s no opening.

Mia wants me to stop it, but not like grabbing its attention, she wants me to actually hold it in place and leave it defenseless.

The first thing that comes to mind is Space-Time Magic, but that stops time for everything around me.

What about weakening it to dull its movements… Would Chris’ spirit magic work?

Then I remember something. There is one kind of magic I don’t really use, but could dull its movements, Gravity Magic. Would that work?

“Rurika, I’m making an item. Buy some time.”

I yell, and everyone else also hears.

If fenrir understands our speech, it can also hear that, but I don’t have time to consider that now.

If I’m using that magic, I want to raise its odds of working.

I take out a knife and apply the Gravity effect. If it pierces… No, if it hits a target, it will activate.

But the Gravity effect is weak, so I’m also using Enhancement.

I also make arrows with Alchemy, and I give them to Hikari, Figel and Rurika, and explain the plan.

I’m making that many because I want to end this as quickly as possible. I’m sure fenrir will start dodging if it figures out their effect.

I also ask Chris to use magic to keep it restrained… Like wind or water spirit magic.

Everything’s in place. Now we just need to stop it, and set the stage for Mia to try her magic.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
1 month ago

Thanks for the treat.

1 month ago

Thanks for this weeks update, & hope everybody has a good weekend.😎👍