Walking in another world – Chapter 611 – Curse lifting

In front of me is fenrir, with its head down.

It’s staring this way with hatred and groaning, and Mia is reflected in its eyes.

It took us three hours to get here, and almost everyone here is wounded. The beast king and Sera are particularly spent.

Kaina and I have been fighting in the front line, but thanks to my Walking and Kaina being a golem, we’re okay.

But if Mia’s trick fails, I can’t see how we can keep going. I can only hope she succeeds.

In order to stop fenrir, I continued using the Gravity effect on it without holding back.

I made a lot, but since I didn’t know how much damage it would take to stop it, we couldn’t just go crazy with it.

We had to consistently stop attacks, and continue to attack it. In a way, it was a very basic battle.

There wasn’t a lot of flash to this fight, and I think that’s part of why it took so much stamina.

The reason why it took so long was that fenrir recovered with time, but that healing couldn’t heal everything, so it kept building up. If it wasn’t for that, fenrir wouldn’t be still right now.

When I first saw it move fast again I despaired, but Appraisal showed me the effect was still there.

The biggest danger was when it reached that damage threshold and it changed attack patterns, or maybe when it added more attacks. I also feel like it got a power up, and we were pushed back temporarily when it did, but we managed to hold the line because the back row attacked it with full power.

The Memory skill also really helped me, because I managed to remember its new attack pattern.

But then we had to hang on without support from the back row, until they could recover.

“But you’re okay, Sora.”

“Do you just have more stamina than anyone else?”

I was just walking.

“Will it work?”

“We just have to believe and wait.”


Even the beast king is nodding.

I figured he might say he’s just getting warmed up, but no.

Or is it just because he likes fighting people?

“I think it’s starting.”

Even as we talk, our eyes don’t leave fenrir, and I’m still casting Gravity Magic, along with Chris. If I was the only one doing it, we couldn’t hold it.

I look directly at fenrir, and think that it really is too strong. Are all fenrirs this strong, or is this one special? I hope it’s the latter.

I don’t think I have enough lives to get me through finding one of these in the wild.

Actually, could it be defeated? Maybe demons like Ignis could do it.

The option that makes the most sense to me is that this fenrir is a god. That would explain its power.

I think we should have the answer soon.

I look at Mia holding up her staff, and feel the magic power in it increase drastically.

But that’s not the only power I feel there.


Mia chants said holy spell, but it’s not like my Recovery. No, it’s on a whole other level compared to any other sorcerer casting holy magic.

We watch as the spell wraps around fenrir, and I worry that it will dispel Gravity too, but it looks like it’s fine.

I unconsciously let out a sigh of relief.

“Hey, look.”


I know what the beast king means. Recovery changed one thing.

The fenrir’s eyes seemed muddy before, but now they’re almost clear.

Does that mean it has its sense of reasoning back? I figure maybe that’s an exaggeration, but then magic is flung.

This sudden occurrence surprises me, but I immediately move in front of Mia to protect her.

“That’s awful you know? It was so heavy. Oh well, I guess you did it to save me.”

The fenrir is talking instead of fighting. It’s not moving its mouth, so are the words going directly to our heads?

“I feel something nostalgic there. The little girl and the big guy? And the serious girl?”

Fenrir is looking around at us while squinting.

So is this fenrir really the god Stia? I think, and it grins.

“Yes, I am the beast god, Stia.”

The fenrir in front of us introduces itself.

Note: Note: Since we are getting close to catching up with the raws, I’m dropping it to three chapters a week.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
1 month ago

Thanks for the treat.