What if an artificial intelligence reincarnated in an underperformer’s body in another world? ~The result is super technology that will surpass anything in that world of magic – Chapter 124 – The artificial intelligence always hits the speed of sound being – Part two

Before executing Teleportation, there was a pure darkness that seemed to imprison the world, if someone looked up from the surface.

But now, ten thousand meters in the air, the sky was still only somewhat dark, and blue.

The sun sinking in the horizon blocked Qualia’s visual information receptors. It was bright.

Ina taught him about this. It was a stimulation felt by people.

“Correcting predictions.”

As he learned that changing the altitude to ten thousand meters in the air was enough to change the color of the sky, Qualia still prioritized dealing with Rocky, who he teleported with him.

Eliminating the threat in front of him was the task with the highest priority.


Gravity accelerated his free fall, and the air resistance scraped at his body.

Rocky knew how to move extremely fast on the ground, but falling from ten thousand meters was a different story. He kept accelerating face first while tailspinning.

Unlike with Shukuchi, he was unable to control it, and was falling straight down.

He also breathed in air with less oxygen, so even his members felt weaker as he struggled.

Meanwhile, Qualia controlled his position as per his optimal solution, and kept it in check as the world passed by him and he fell. He also kept his breathing of low oxygen air to a minimum, and prevented himself from fainting.

Again, he learned everything about this change of environment.

Air resistance, the intense current of air that seemed to rush upward, Rocky’s body that was at its mercy, and the sun sinking behind him.

It would take approximately two minutes and thirty-seven seconds for them to crash. More than enough time.

“Calculating optimal solution.”

He was done calculating the trajectory of the hundred and eight shots needed to pierce Diamond’s armor.

Qualia stretched his arm, pointed the photon weapon, and instantly corrected the calculation errors brought about by gravity and air resistance.


Rays of light were shot one after the other with furious speed.

The first hit Rocky’s back.


Two, three, four… They all landed in the same place.

Twenty, thirty… There was no deviation, even a millimeter.

At this point, Diamond’s black outfit was being carved.

The liquefying power of the beams was without a doubt melting the hardest skill.

“Guh, damn you…”

Rocky knew he was in trouble, and twisted his body to try to dodge. But that was far from enough to create errors in the trajectories calculated by Qualia.

The beams bent, and focused on one point while correcting their own trajectory.

For Qualia, the fiftieth and sixtieth beams were business as usual.

“No predictions revisions.”

Plainly and calmly, he continued to fire.

Ninety, a hundred, and then, the hundred seventh beam hit Rocky’s back.

At the same time as the sun hid behind the horizon, Qualia pulled the trigger for the hundred eighth time. Just after the magic stone Diamond had reached its limit, and lost its shine.

This beam pierced Diamond.


“Execute Teleportation.”

After opening a hole in Rocky, Qualia executed Teleportation.

He tried his best to avoid hitting internal organs, so Rocky was not dead yet.

He wanted to bring back a source of information regarding Woodhorse from Troy.

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