What if an artificial intelligence reincarnated in an underperformer’s body in another world? ~The result is super technology that will surpass anything in that world of magic – Chapter 128 – The artificial intelligence shows the full picture of Project Return to Shutdown – Part two

The autonomous humanoid combat android Shutdown.

By just referencing zero point one percent of its functions, Qualia was an untouchable being.

By just referencing zero point one percent of its functions, Qualia took zero point one percent of a step away from being human.

“Further explanation about current status. The return mechanism contains both the plans of the autonomous humanoid combat android Shutdown, and ‘world parts’ to construct it.”

Qualia explained the path to returning to Shutdown.

At the root of the technology was ‘Super Position’. A concept based on quantum physics that allowed there to be two Qualias.

The precise trait of Super Position was to allow two or more at the same time. World parts had this nature to begin with, and pressing the return mechanism just infused them into Qualia.

That meant that Shutdown was in the quantum realm in response to Qualia.

Qualia and Shutdown both existed. This was maintained by the return mechanism.

And the more he activated the return mechanism, the more Shutdown seeped from the quantum realm into the physical world.

But as a result, even though he was able to only extract functions, even though it was only zero point one percent, Shutdown began to encroach on Qualia.

“Explaining the feedback from executing zero point one percent of the return mechanism. The Super Position condition, even if attained through world parts, has bad effects on the Qualia in the physical world.”

And just then, Qualia’s body became transparent for a moment.

The black armor of the autonomous humanoid combat android Shutdown could be seen.

That meant that even though he borrowed the power of the world parts, Qualia could not withstand Super Position with Shutdown.

The power of that citizen of the quantum realm, Shutdown, was just that great. So great, that even by doing nothing, it took away the right of the being known as Qualia to exist.

“As a result of the concept of Shutdown being superimposed, the characteristic of being unable to sense taste was also superimposed, creating the ‘tasty’ error before.”

And that was why Qualia was unable to detect ‘tasty’ until just now.

But Qualia put the onigiri Ace made in his mouth. The fact that no one liked it meant it was a clear failure, and yet, Qualia’s expression stayed the same.

“Deviates from being tasty… But, but…”

No one understood why he continued eating that onigiri that was supposedly not tasty, with that same expressionless face. But they somehow understood he could taste Ace’s warmth.

Maybe he had no records of words that were the opposite of ‘tasty’, maybe he could not feel either ‘tasty’ or ‘not tasty’. Neither Lobelia or Spirito knew.

“Continuing explanation.”

Still, both wanted to believe his sense of taste was back, and he continued speaking to reassure them.

“In the current weapon rate of zero point one percent, it is possible to revert, and possible to return to Qualia being one individual.”

Qualia’s transparent body was back to its normal color.

And Lobelia asked questions, as she looked at a part that was Shutdown just now.

“Qualia, what would happen if you went over that percentage? Where’s the point of no return?”


Spirito also waited nervously.

“Using the results from the zero point one consultation as feedback, the limit, the singularity, is estimated to be at one percent. Any further, and Super Position will not operate properly, and Qualia will exponentially be replaced by Shutdown.”

“…What if it reaches a hundred percent?”

Asked Spirito fearfully.

But Qualia simply output the results.

“Once it reached a hundred percent, Qualia’s body and existence would be completely overwritten, erasing it.”

Both girls were at a loss for words.

There was a chance that the super technology Qualia used was a one way ticket to extinction.

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