What if an artificial intelligence reincarnated in an underperformer’s body in another world? ~The result is super technology that will surpass anything in that world of magic – Chapter 129 – The artificial intelligence shows the full picture of Project Return to Shutdown – Part three

“Yes. Qualia.”

Lobelia once looked at Edwin with absolute zero cold eyes.

Those eyes turned to Qualia as she tapped him on the shoulder.

“Absolutely not. You can’t do that.”

She said with a strong tone and short sentences. And each word seemed to be fired at Qualia’s heart.

Lobelia realized what her face was like, and covered her mouth.

“…No, not like that.”

She said, as if telling it to herself, and took a deep breath.

“…Sorry. I’m the one who brought you and made you push yourself too far, so that was a little too conceited of me.”

Lobelia stopped, and then started speaking again, with determination.

“If that time comes, come to me. I’ll give the order. For the sake of this world… Become Shutdown.”


“I’ll take that responsibility.”

That resolve was carved into Lobelia’s face, with a thin smile.

“If the world is going to be destroyed, and it can be averted if only Qualia is sacrificed, someone has to make that call. And since you are a member of Hello World, I should be the one.”



Spirito looked back quickly.

It all felt wrong. Qualia was being told that if that time came, he would be told to die, but he was not moving at all.

“If the return mechanism is to be activated over one percent, the founder of Hello World, Lobelia, has the approval power. It is seen as a very appropriate thing for the administrator of Hello World.”

“Qualia… Aren’t you scared?”

“Error. Word ‘scared’ not registered.”


Spirito was at a loss for words, and Qualia continued talking to Lobelia, who stood next to her with a somewhat sad smile.

“Lobelia, you carry a high degree of trust. Qualia has learned that your actions are to create a lot of ‘tasty’.”

“Qualia… You never change. It’s like you don’t need your life as long as that ‘tasty’ is created.”

She whispered with her normal tone, before another thin smile formed on her face.

She gulped, and clenched her teeth for a moment.

“All right. If that time comes, I’ll really say it. Become Shutdown.”


But it seemed Lobelia did not want to say what came next.

She felt she could not say it or do it, but those shackles loosened for just a moment, and she whispered.

“But if I can, I want to ask you one thing.”

“What is it?”

“Don’t make me tell you to become Shutdown.”


Spirito crouched, and closed her eyes like she was in pain. It was the wound from when Krengel slashed her abdomen. It should not be a light enough wound for her to walk around in the first place, but she had been walking around as if it was nothing.

“Qualia. Let’s talk in the bath again… With a towel, of course. You can come dressed again if you want.”

“I’m worried about you now, Spirito. Qualia, can you take her back?”

“Request accepted.”

Qualia skillfully lifted Spirito with his arms, in a way that was commonly called ‘princess carry’. Needless to say, it was very embarrassing for the one being carried.

“Wait, hold on.”

Spirito struggled weakly like a kitten, as Qualia took her to her room.

Her face was bright red with tears welling up in her eyes, as she looked up at Qualia.

“Don’t you get embarrassed?”

“Request that you refrain from unnecessary actions. You will be damaged if you are dropped. Your injuries are deemed heavy enough to need repair.”

“I’m not gonna die. You’re clearly worse than me.”

“You are wrong. The return mechanism won’t cause more damage.”

“…You really are dense.”

Suddenly, something Qualia had not learned happened.

Spirito put her arm around him as if hugging him, bringing his face even closer to her body.

Her small and delicate, but strong and warm body temperature was right there.

It felt soft and fine, throwing Qualia’s calculations into disarray.

“Error… Executing emergency cutting off of feeling.”

“Don’t do that, idiot. You won’t hear me either. J-just listen.”

Qualia felt that blush turn even other.

That power that went over embarrassment stopped his freezing too.

“I’m honestly not a princess or anything. Unlike my sister, I don’t want to be trapped in that position. So I’ll tell you this.”

And then, she continued without hesitation.

“No matter what, don’t become Shutdown. Promise.”


Her hand behind his neck trembled a little, as she felt frustrated somehow.

About her fear of losing him. About not wanting him to go. Rather than clinging, she wanted to hold him back.

She held the wound on her abdomen.

“I’ll make sure to get better soon and help you. I’m your master.”

■            ■

“Hey, Love. I’m thinking that bringing Qualia might have been a mistake. Maybe it’s all my fault. I feel everyone leaves when I try to do something.”

Lobelia was always losing, and it felt that would continue.

And she sat down, alone, whispering while fighting that fear.

She had her face on her thighs, and looked like she would cry at any moment. She trembled like an innocent girl, and even the smile that formed eventually seemed unreliable.

She was feeling regret.

If she did not bring Qualia there, he might have become the feudal lord of the Sandbox domain, and led a happy life. He might have enacted wonderful reforms after taking over. Ina might not be in a coma, and might be with him.

She was convinced he could have changed the world, the first time she saw him.

She found him an interesting boy, who was perfect to create the world that Love, whose cross was behind Lobelia, dreamed of.

But she really did not know that would come at the cost of his life.

Lobelia was really about to leave the boy who told her ‘it’s all right’ to die.

But at the very least, she did not want that death to happen some place she did not know. She said to herself.

“Tell me, Love. What should I do?”

It was too late to go back to being that little girl that was afraid of blood.

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