What if an artificial intelligence reincarnated in an underperformer’s body in another world? ~The result is super technology that will surpass anything in that world of magic – Chapter 131 – The artificial intelligence hears the decision of the head of Azure Skies – Part two

“Do-your-best. Do-your-your-best. Do-your-your-best.”

Qualia continued speaking to Ina, next to Liebe.

Liebe was not trying to stop a human from speaking to Ina anymore. As he looked at the awkward, yet earnest Qualia from the side, he had no blade in his guillotine.

“…There was a man named Mind in Azure Skies.”

Qualia stopped cheering Ina on, and listening to Liebe.

“He asked if that was the only way. I’m now wondering the same.”

“Confirming. Qualia deeply understood the individual known as Mind.”

The beast person who found his ‘tasty’ in the end, and passed on right after.

“It is estimated that Mind found ‘another way’ before his vital activities ceased.”

“…I see. That’s a shame. I’d like to hear what it was.”

“Conjecture. That way can be learned from Ina.”

Qualia lightly rubbed Ina’s cheek, and put a smile on her sleeping face.

“Ina has an objective classified as a ‘dream’. Open a store that provides meals, and give ‘tasty’ to tired and hurt people. She is carrying out that dream.”


Liebe laughed, but not in a mocking way. It was a nostalgic laugh.

“She hasn’t changed. Her food was always good.”

“That is why Qualia will continue to request that Ina recovers her consciousness. And prioritize that Ina’s dream and vital activities never be hurt again.”

“…Even at the cost of your humanity?”

“That has been forbidden due to a ‘promise’ with Ina. However…”

Qualia’s mouth froze. There was a shadow to his monochrome expression.

“…Ceasing explanation. There are many hostile threats in this world. There are threats that prevent Ina from carrying out her plan due to her being a beast person. That is directly connected to denying ‘tasty’.”

A lot of people felt sad about Ina collapsing.

Even Qualia still had static in his calculations.

And above all else, Ina herself could not smile.

Qualia’s calculations deeply feared that Ina continued to walk towards having her vital activities cease forever.

“And that threat is a beast person her brother brought.”

Liebe said with a frown, speaking against himself.

“I… Should have listened to people’s motives then.”

“Request explanation. What does that mean?”

“Back in Azure Skies, I didn’t listen to why people fought. I didn’t see any meaning to the reasons why beast people fought. As long as they intended to kick humans off their throne.”

He declared it in front of beast people with pent up resentment. It was not just for show. He really felt that way.

Surely whatever reasons they had to attack humans were not pretty ones.

“Tell me. Why do you fight as a member of Hello World?”

“The role of the guardian knight chivalric order Hello World is to create ‘tasty’. Your actions, meaning the actions of Azure Skies, took away a lot of ‘tasty’. And without any regard for either humans or beast people.”

“That motivation sounds like a dream.”

“Affirmative. That is currently Qualia’s dream.”

His tone was entirely without color, as if prepared for him. But that just helped Liebe accept this dream of his.

He truly was moving towards that dream, and that was probably why his emotions felt a little bright when he fought Azure Skies.

“Ina. Was that the guy I fought? You managed to be with a guy like that?”

“Request explanation. What is your dream?”

“Don’t ask a dead guy that. You people are all… But…”

Liebe’s body became more transparent, and the dark matter behind him slowly shrunk.

“If you’re talking about one last stupid thing, I’ve just decided it.”

“I’m back.”

Liebe stood up, just as Ace entered the room.

Qualia felt the change in his behavior, and started learning his situation again. Ace’s magic stone also started blinking, showing she was wary.

“Qualia, Ace… No, Hello World.”

Liebe turned his back to Ina, and closed his eyes, as he thought back to himself admonishing Mind.

“Sorry Mind. I have to settle it. I’m going to follow the stupid way I picked to the end.”

If Mind was alive, he would ask it again. Was that the only way?

And Liebe responded to it.

“You want to catch Backdoor. That would make enemies out of beast people, so I have to fight you, even if it’s just for show. That’s my role.”

“Request explanation. What are your intentions?”

“…I’m Liebe, the leader of Azure Skies, and enemy of the Kingdom of Acacia. Fight me, and take information about Backdoor by force.”

“Understood. That is your role.”

There was no hesitation on Ace’s face, but Qualia was yet to make a decision.

Just before the final battle started, Liebe spoke.


He was not turning around to see his sleeping little sister’s face.

“Your big brother is going to be an idiot until the end.”

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