What if an artificial intelligence reincarnated in an underperformer’s body in another world? ~The result is super technology that will surpass anything in that world of magic – Chapter 132 – The artificial intelligence watches the final role of that beast person – Part one

The outskirts of the capital.

This area in particular was relatively densely populated, even for the outskirts of the capital, but since it was spared the attack of Azure Skies, people who lost their homes were temporarily living there in shelters.

Basically, it was an area with a strong resentment towards beast people.

And, as usual, beast people were being kicked, out in the open.

“We lost our homes because of you Azure Skies!”

“Taste our pain too!”

“Uu… We… Didn’t do anything.”

It was a brother and sister who were being kicked. The younger sister was young, having just turned ten, and the big brother was also still a boy.

And yet, the group of adults continued their violence. Humans around them, and even beast people hiding their ears, were too scared to get close.

And then Liebe, the leader of Azure Skies, suddenly appeared.


With a strong sound of destruction, the beast people that were being violent were blown away.

The crater left by Liebe’s attack was a testament to its impact.

“Hi. The leader of Azure Skies is here. Try attacking me.”

“…L-leader of Azure Skies… Why is he here?”

“The human hating Azure Skies is here. You should know what that means, human.”

He said while rotating the right arm that created that incredible destructive force, and the humans retreated.

But as they ran away in panic, he easily blew them away. However, despite them being blown away in such a showy way, there were no deaths. But that also meant more humans were left to fear Liebe.

It was nighttime, so there were few, but more than enough to create a panic.



Between the darkness of the night and the smoke, it felt like Liebe was a demon king from stories, that had descended.

“You’re not getting away, humans!! You’re all going to feel the hatred from tormenting me all these years!! I’m going to let it all out!”

Some turned around and ran, some fell on their backs and looked up at Liebe. Liebe laughed scornfully at them, as he continued being the bad guy head of Azure Skies.

“But… Humans really are idiots. Going along with that chivalric order… You don’t even know you were betrayed.”


“The chivalric order Troy. They were the ones who diverted the ancient magic stones to us!!”

“No way! That Troy… Mister Woodhorse!?”

The chivalric order Troy had been performing many heroic feats to show themselves as heroes to the general population, and rid themselves of their bad fame. And Woodhorse, the one who brought them up as heroes, was basically deified at that point. That was how much his influence spread.

“W-what a thing to say all of a sudden… Beast person.”

Suddenly, the humans were angry again, falling for that provocation.

But one man pressed his lips tightly, and then started speaking.

“No, there’s a good chance Troy is connected to Azure Skies… I heard about that from another chivalric order too…”

“N-no way! That’s just a rumor! Don’t get tricked by them.”

Humans started arguing, while Liebe turned his eyes to the beast people who were hiding.

“They were idiots. Beast people who joined Azure Skies and scattered. You all yielded to my Stealth and followed me because you didn’t want to die. And in the end, died helplessly in a suicide attack against knights. They died anyway.”


“Beast people were useless until the end.”

“Then Azure Skies…”

“A group I formed with violence, so I could stand on top of humans!”

That space was overpowered by that truth that traveled with a yell.

And Liebe took one step closer, leading both humans and beast to step back.

“Then beast people… Have no choice but to have their lives in their grasp!?”

“No, it was still beast people who took our homes… Don’t let yourselves get tricked.”

“But if Woodhorse from Troy was involved… What’s even true anymore…”

“I don’t know. But this Liebe in front of us is the enemy of mankind!”

“Yes. Azure Skies is just rabble. I’m the enemy of mankind. If you don’t want to die, fight for your life.”

There was large destruction again.

The ground shook, and the traces of destruction piled up.

No one died, but it was more than enough for humans to run with fear.

Meanwhile, beast people glared at Liebe from afar.

“We… Because of all that stuff you did…”

“Yes, that grudge hasn’t settled, and I’ll kill you for hiding.”

Beast people clenched their teeth, and ran. Everyone was running. Running from the villain, Liebe.

The siblings from earlier looked back. But as they saw Liebe ready to fight, they also ran away, with puzzled expressions.

“…Good. It’s ready.”



A spear of earth emerged from below Liebe and pierced him.

“Come, it’s time. Hello World.”

Liebe’s body regenerated, but it was clear he was in a precarious position.

Ace’s eyes looked past Liebe as he boasted, and looked at Qualia. He did not have a photon weapon out yet.

■           ■

“…Something isn’t right.”

Meanwhile, Clearance arrived at a place where they could overlook this whole scene. Their leader, Captain Proxy, gave out orders, while Kernel grimaced with his arms folded.

“Proxy. Tell Clearance to stand-by for now.”

“But that’s clear destructive action. We can’t overlook that.”

“Yes, but I’m interested in both Liebe and Hello World.”


“You’re very right. Especially considering Liebe did something unforgivable to you. Just wait ten minutes. Prioritize evacuating humans until then. All right?”

Proxy let out a dissatisfied sigh, and gave orders to Clearance per Kernel’s instructions.

Meanwhile, he continued looking.

At the human.

At the magic doll.

At the beast person.

The stage was set with all of its players, and Kernel whispered.

“Qualia, Ace, and Liebe. What kind of solution are you trying to bring here?”

■         ■

“Zero Division was defeated…. Troy is in danger too.. But my luck is finally turning.”

Backdoor also watched, while holding the ancient magic stone.

“This time… I’m delivering this. The leader of Azure Skies destroying the capital really does make for the best story.”

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