What if an artificial intelligence reincarnated in an underperformer’s body in another world? ~The result is super technology that will surpass anything in that world of magic – Chapter 133 – The artificial intelligence watches the final role of that beast person – Part two

Qualia saw the last flame of the leader of Azure Skies, Liebe.

He stood like a demon king, carrying all the evil in the world on his back.

As the leader of a terrorist organization that sought to overthrow the government, he stood in the center of the aftermath of his destruction and laughed.

Needless to say, that laugh was far from ‘tasty’.

As he watched this beast person, Qualia faced an error.

He was not refining a photon weapon with his 5D printer.

“What’s wrong Qualia? I’m alive. Well, dead, as a ghost. Why aren’t you fighting?”

“Request understanding. Your actions are wrong. You are simply engaging in unreasonable destruction.”

“So what? It’s just impudent human civilization.”

Liebe stopped being perceived. He was unseen, unheard, untouchable.

It was Stealth. Qualia slid forward a little, per what he had learned, and it was enough for the claw that could destroy the ground to swing at nothing.

Qualia then turned and spoke in the direction where Liebe was.

“Qualia heard you say things that lowered your degree of trust. You reported lies. You do not take action against beast people to lower their value. That goes completely against the values learned so far.”

“I told you. I’ve existed all this time to take revenge for Ina. And Ina was alive, but how did it turn out? Like that… I was an idiot for trusting humans.”

“Activating deepest output of Gaia skill, Domain Tree.”

A large crack ran through the ground, and multiple flexible, yet tough branches emerged, followed by a big tree.

“Your role has been acknowledged. I will kill you. No matter how many times it takes, until we achieve our objective. That is my role.”

“…Come, guard knight.”

The many branches swung all over, and hit the vengeful beast person many times.

Liebe did not shrink back, and neither did Ace.

The magic doll girl continued to strike at the highest level criminal who attempted to overthrow the kingdom.

Ace’s expression did not change. There was no fear, panic, or hesitation. She simply attacked her enemy with the whips of her tree.

But unlike when she was kept by Ddos, there was some strength in her eyes, and her right hand was tightly clenched. She was not following orders, she was just imbued with the will to destroy an obstacle that was disturbing the peace.

“…Received attack. Lightly.”

Ace’s fake flesh was a little torn, and she took a step back.

And in that brief window, Liebe ran forward. But Ace’s magic stone shined brightly with a green color, and brought out an even bigger Domain Tree.

As both attacks intersected… Qualia stood right in that point.

“Type SWORD.

Liebe, request that you cease your offensive actions. If you do not comply, you will be labeled a threat… And eliminated. Over and over, until you cease.”

Qualia stretched out his arm, and Liebe’s neck was just a few centimeters away from the beam.

In that space that seemed empty, Liebe laughed.

“…You’re wavering. You know it’s useless to try to talk me down now. Cut. Try and cut.”


“That’s your role…! Guardian knight order Hello World!”

“…Analyzing situation.”

Qualia made his calculations, as Liebe did not attempt to hide anymore.

Even Stealth was made pointless by Liebe yelling to the sky and showing he was there.

“I am Liebe, the leader of Azure Skies. That’s my role to the end!”

In that supposedly empty space, in the predictions he supposedly learned, he felt he saw a steel tree for a moment. It did not bend or snap, and seemed to have an incredibly strong core. He saw a heart even his photon weapon could not melt.

It was the last shine.

“Your words recovered the degree of trust.”


“Judging again. There is no need for further combative action.”

Qualia said as he threw away the photon weapon.

The beam drew an arch, and flew as it cut giant boulders that fell like meteors.

He further calculated the trajectories of the boulders in an instant, grabbed Ace’s small body, and dodged everything.

“We’re here to help, Liebe.”

Many footsteps could be heard from where the boulders came.

Once the smoke cleared, they could be seen walking towards Liebe.

“Qualia. Request explanation. What is this situation?”

There were many people, and they were all armed beast people.

“Match with signal on the ancient magic stone radar. The individual closest to Liebe is registered as Backdoor [N/A].”

Qualia saw a beast person wearing sunglasses that matched the description he heard before.

“Type GUN.

Eliminating Backdoor.”

For a moment, he recalled the bloodstained Ina.

An eruption of emotions similar to when he eliminated the beast person who killed Mind was starting. Qualia had not yet learned this was called ‘revenge’.

“…Backdoor will be apprehended after being neutralized.”

But he continued the process of calculating with a cool head, and plainly analyzed the situation as always, before whispering the result.

“…Confirming the completion of another task.”

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