What if an artificial intelligence reincarnated in an underperformer’s body in another world? ~The result is super technology that will surpass anything in that world of magic – Chapter 135 – The artificial intelligence watches the final role of that beast person – Part four

“…Why. Why Liebe!!

Backdoor was being looked at with anger by three people, but he turned to them with irritation instead.

“You hated humans so much… No one hated humans more than you, and you instigated beast people so much… How are you joining hands with that human!? You’re the one who said there was a wall between beast people and humans!!”

“That doesn’t mean anything to me coming from the guy that cares less than anyone about that wall.”


Liebe snorted, and continued while purposefully sounding courteous.

“There’s a definite wall between humans and beast people. I didn’t lie. And there’s still hatred of humans here. To the point where I do want to make a mess of everything with the ancient magic stone!!”

“…Then why? Why did you throw it!?”

“My sister made it over that wall. There was a human who helped her too. And that small magic doll. Sorry, but I learned that.”

He pointed at Qualia and Ace, and glared at Backdoor and the beast people around him, with two people he tried to kill behind him.

“That’s why I want to lower that wall even a bit, in my final time.”

“Hahaha… You went crazy now that you’re dying. Or are you already dead? Acting like some messenger of peace after all this time… You don’t accept that, do you beast people!?”

“Yes, you traitor. How many beast people died for you!?”

“We all believed beast people history was going to be changed by you!”

Beast people’s eyes filled with hatred were locked on Liebe. They were people who hated humans, and followed Liebe from the bottom of their hearts.

And Liebe betrayed all that.

But Qualia stepped forward.

“Your actions carry a low degree of trust.”

“What? Human?”

“Your activities as members of Azure Skies were your choice. You have no right to attribute a low estimation to Liebe.”

“…Well, your criticism is correct. But I’m not thinking about coexistence with humans this late in the game. My motivation was always my sister.”

He roused beast people to overthrow the capital to avenge his sister.

He tried to overthrow the capital even if on his own, for his sister’s continued existence.

But, while a little hunched over, he expressed sincere regret over the beast people he got involved.

“I should’ve asked your motivations.”

But those apologetic eyes quickly turned to madness.

“But Backdoor. You’re the trader on the wall between humans and beast people.”

The trio’s anger was still being directed at Backdoor.

“I can’t just let you be. You hurt my sister, you damn puke!!”


Backdoor let out a weak breath, as he pressed the wounds on his face and glared back at Liebe. And he mumbled something through his almost closed lips.

(You useless…)

And then, he fanned the emotions of the beast people around him.

“You’re not going to forgive the traitor, are you?”


“Then release your hatred until you’re all refreshed.”

That signaled the start.

A stream of bloodlust with no end in sight turned into violence, as the moonlight shined on blades being held up towards the trio

They were all held up by muscular beast people, whose physical abilities would excel past humans’ even if their bodies were average.

They used those muscles to their fullest, as they quickly closed the distance and let their anger guide their attacks, but…

“Threat detected, neutralizing.

Type GUN.”

Ten beams were fired, and a few seconds later, screams of beast people echoed.


They were all shot somewhere on their bodies, and the beast people on the vanguard all fell. They clutched the holes opened in their bodies and did not move.

The others were bewildered by Qualia’s gun for a moment, and a deep green magic stone was activated in the meantime.


Reverse. Activating the deepest output of the Gaia magic stone, Domain Tree.”

Even more branches came out of the already active Domain Tree, and wrapped around the beast people.


“Wha… I can’t move…”

The scales of the branches sunk into the beast people, incapacitating them. And as Ace looked up at the groaning captured beast people, her magic stone shined brighter. She had caught them perfectly.

In particular, her eyes were focused on Backdoor’s screeching, as he was constricted.


“You are once again confirmed as the beast person who rendered Ina unconscious. It is judged you should experience more pain.”

Behind the eyes that were as still as undisturbed water, ripples of anger that a magic doll should originally not feel were clear to anyone.

Next to her, Qualia also calculated. What to do with Backdoor.

“Interfering with nervous system through cell rewriting with 5D printer… Intentional change of immune system cells, leading to deep anaphalaptic shock error…”

Qualia’s calculations were strangely full for such a small amount of time.

He forgot about being a member of Hello World, about ‘tasty’. He just thought about taking revenge on the hated being that brought Ina to the border between life and death.

“…Abnormality detected. Cannot perceive ‘tasty’.”

But then he looked at the other beast people, clearly gasping due to excessive pain.

He followed them with his eyes to Ace, who controlled her magic stone Gaia and continued to lose ‘tasty’.

That brought him back, and he gently grabbed her shoulder and warned her.

“Ace. Further offensive action will lead to a decrease in your ‘tasty’.”


“It is estimated that if Ina were to observe this situation, no ‘tasty’ values would be found. This situation is not ideal for Ina or you.”

Under her fluttering black hair, Ace finally blinked.

“…Yes. Actions that would make Ina sad are not ideal to me.”

The magic stone in her chest turned light red, as a result of Ace also returning to her senses.

“Activating deepest output of Gaia skill, Honeypot.”

Pink petals instantly blossomed, and before they knew it, the tree was full of cherry blossoms.

And they received their nutrients through the magic energy and consciousness of the beast people.

“U… Ah…”

They called out, but they closed their eyes one after the other.

“Dammit… Not yet… Not here…”

Backdoor clenched his teeth and held on to the end, but he could not resist the lethargy that came with losing his magic energy.

“Dammit… At this point…”

But he was still plotting. He still drew up a plan to save himself, right until before he fell asleep.

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