What if an artificial intelligence reincarnated in an underperformer’s body in another world? ~The result is super technology that will surpass anything in that world of magic – Chapter 141 – The magic doll won’t get away

“Ina, request explanation. What kind of metaphor is a heart dying?”

“…What did you think while you followed the orders of that person called Ddos?”

“I did not. I simply made calculations to fulfill the instructions of my former master.”

“I think that situation right there is what it means for a heart to be dead… When people just follow orders like that.”

“Registered that people can become like ‘us’.”

“Humans and beast people can become slaves to their emotions and do things they can’t take back. I tried to hurt Mister Qualia when we met too. I lost my brother, and was sick of everything.”

“Ina, is your mental state well?”

“Ah, sorry. The towel… Mister Qualia became like that too.”

“Qualia’s heart also died?”

“Mister Qualia is kind, so he doesn’t include himself in his calculations. He was always like that.”

“Ina, request peace of mind. I will observe Qualia’s heart in battle. I will adjust things so his heart does not die.”

“…Can I ask you to do that?”

“Yes. That is the role I request. So please stop crying.”

■     ■

Ace’s white clothes were stained red. Her chest and torso in particular stood out in how red they were, as she held Qualia’s deep red arm.

“Qualia, repeating request. Your actions are wrong. Request that you stop.”

Magic dolls were specialized for skills, so they were not exceptionally strong.

Qualia also used their size difference to brush her away, but the small girl could not be brushed off so easily.

Qualia recognized this strength. It was what he felt from Ina when he tried to kill Arrows.

It could not be explained by his programming, but it felt warm despite its lack of physical form.

It ran through his blood vessels like a coolant.

“Eliminating. Qualia has to eliminate Backdoor.”

But the overheating violence did not settle down, and Qualia’s right hand trembled like a rusted machine.

He was trying to go from the warm chest to the cold pool of blood.

But Ace held on tightly. Despite her lack of expression, her strength could be seen in her clenched teeth.

She put her cheek to his arm, as she continued.

“It is presumed that every time you take offensive action against puke, the abnormalities in your mental state deepen.”

Her thin legs buckled down, as her heels scraped the ground while she was dragged.

But Ace’s small body would not get away from Qualia, who was trapped in revenge.

“That is defined as your heart dying.”

For a moment, Qualia trembled.

“Heart dying situation. Error. [N/A]”

“Ina gave me the role of observing to detect any irregularities with your heart. Ina feared your heart dying, and cried yesterday. It was that important.”

Qualia had seen Ina cry multiple times, and every time he did, it felt like he was being shaken to the core.

And so, Ace’s words sank in his mind as if melting into it.

They pierced the sense of reasoning deep inside.

“I cannot allow actions that would lead Ina to cry. I won’t allow actions that lead to your heart’s death. That is even more important than getting information about the ancient magic stones from puke.”

Qualia did not go forward or back, he just froze.

His right arm was still in the air, held by Ace.

“Demand that you return to your role. Don’t be taken in by puke’s desire for destruction. I will continue to stop your actions until my fake body is destroyed.


Despite that word, Qualia’s right arm loosened.

He faced down, where Backdoor laid with cold eyes, a broken nasal cavity, no teeth in his mouth, and was barely breathing.

But Qualia was not looking at Backdoor anymore.

“If… Eliminated, Ina would cry. Ace too.”

“Yes. If you take more offensive action, I will cry.”

“That is judged to be the mistake that should be avoided the most… Qualia judges that excessive offensive action was taken against Backdoor. Necessary conditions for apprehension were fulfilled. Correcting error.”

Qualia stepped away from Backdoor, and fell to the ground like a broken doll.

This time, Ace hugged his forehead. She put her arms around his head, and placed his forehead on her slim chest, right where the magic stone was.

Still, it felt soft, and Qualia closed his eyes.

“When Ina did this, tears stopped. Hugging has the effect to stabilize the mental state.”

There was no heartbeat in a magic doll, so perhaps there was still a bug in Qualia, since he felt it.

“But this is judged to be unfavorable for a girl like you.”

“When you feel something related to the opposite sex, it is perceived as static. But I believe you need this action now. You perceive this action as unfavorable to me, but it is favorable to me to stabilize your mental state.

Ace pressed Qualia’s head with her hand, and the smell of soap that was the same as when Ace bathed with Ina the previous day intensified. And so did the heartbeat.

“My role is to adjust your heart during battle. Much like how you released me from my former master’s orders, I want to release your heart from being improperly dominated by threats.”

When Ina hugged Qualia like this, she cried.

“I want Ina to smile. I want you to smile.”

“…Ace, your ‘tasty’ also has high priority to Qualia.”

“Please explain. Can you detect my ‘tasty’ now?”

Qualia looked up from Ace’s chest, and saw her young face looking down at him.

And he responded with what he thought while looking at her expression.

“Detecting ‘tasty’ in your expression.”

“Yes. Due to relief that your heart is stabilizing.”

“…Ace, request understanding. Qualia will apprehend Backdoor.”

“Yes, I will fulfill the same role.”

Qualia got up, and when Ace turned around, Backdoor was getting up.

But his left arm was missing, his body had holes here and there, and his face was beyond recognition.

It was a miracle that he was still trying to escape.

“I, why, in a plashe, lighe, dish…”

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