What if an artificial intelligence reincarnated in an underperformer’s body in another world? ~The result is super technology that will surpass anything in that world of magic – Chapter 143 – The artificial intelligence works towards tasty again

“Analyzing situation. Liebe, your magic energy as a ghost will be extinct soon.”

When Qualia passed that judgment, the stars were no longer visible, and only the moon still shined faintly among the brilliance.

And as Qualia learned the cool breeze of daybreak, he observed Liebe disappearing.

He would be gone in less than ten minutes. By the time the morning sun rose, he would not be there to see it.

“Look after my little sister.”

He quietly spoke, without resisting his disappearance.

“I’m going to hell, and Ina to heaven. All I can do is watch over her so she doesn’t accidentally come over to that side. You look after her from this side.”

He let out a small self-deprecating laugh, as he referred to the emotional outburst that Qualia used as feedback.

“You won’t turn out like me. When you go crazy, you can immediately reflect on that. And you can stop.”

“Error. Qualia did not stop. Qualia dealt enough damage to terminate Backdoor’s vital activities.”

“But you didn’t kill him. He was at death’s door, and you gave him fatal wounds, but you stopped right at the end. If I was in your place, I would’ve kept going until he wasn’t breathing anymore.”


“We’re not the same. It was Liebe, the one who led Azure Skies and spread fear in the capital, who crossed that line. I have at least enough value as a bad example.”

Then Qualia looked at Ace. It was thanks to her putting herself at risk and holding him that he stopped his rampage.

Without Ace, Qualia would have without a doubt crossed over to Liebe’s side.

But Liebe, perhaps knowing where Qualia was looking, sent him precise words of encouragement.

“…It’s enough. I settled things as best I could… I feel better knowing Ina has people like you with her too. All I can do now is leave her with you. I didn’t have a life to atone for to begin with.”

Qualia input a touch of worry from those words. Liebe had still not fully accepted it.

He felt guilt over his crimes, but could not help but be concerned about Ina’s future. He was still worried as her big brother, despite entrusting her to Qualia and the others.

And it was those emotions that caused him to lead Azure Skies.

He could be criticized for throwing the world into chaos and then disappearing, but throughout it all, Liebe thought only of Ina. And he dreamed of a world without beast people in those circumstances.

Regret. Anxiety. Fear.

Those could not be wiped away even if he played himself up as the personification of Azure Skies, and drew all the hatred of it to himself. Even though it was not enough to keep him there as a vengeful ghost, there were still negative emotions whirling inside him.

Even after knowing humans who established a bond with Ina, his heart never truly made it out of that murky cave where he was decapitated.

“Analyzing situation.”

As he watched his face, Qualia’s thoughts moved away from the feedback of regret he was receiving, and stepped forward.

“That is no reason for you not to acquire ‘tasty’.”

“What are you doing?”

A black circle blocked the top of Qualia’s head, and circuits ran through his eyes.

“It is determined that you must be with Ina and talk to her until you disappear.”

And then, Qualia used a function of Shutdown to create a last smile.

It was not as though he bounced back from his regret. He, unconsciously, performed his role as a member of Hello World again so Liebe could acquire ‘tasty’, and he could regain his own.

“Execute Teleportation.”

■        ■

After teleporting, the three were in Ina’s room.

Unlike when they were there before, light was faintly shining from outside the window.

Ina’s breath was still faint, and she had not woken up.

And as he watched her, Qualia vocalized the choice he made in his head.

“Proposal. You should speak to Ina alone.”

He kept talking, as Liebe found himself at a loss for words.

“You can talk to Ina in more detail, and vocalize your requests.”

Ever since he was taken to Lobelia’s mansion, he had been under Qualia or Ace’s watch. And so, he was never alone with his sister.

And so, at least for a little before he disappeared, he should be with Ina.

The two siblings should have at least that time for themselves.

“…That’s nice.”

And while seemingly a little confused, he asked what was to him an obvious question.

“Are you sure I can get special treatment? Not being watched? I’m still the leader of Azure Skies until I disappear. A threat, like you say.”

“I agree with Qualia.”

Ace responded while standing in front of Liebe and looking up at him.

“I will ask again. What is your role?”


“It is determined that your role as leader of Azure Skies is over. I think your role is now defined as Ina’s brother. The emotions you feel towards her as her brother are huge. Ina also directs towards us the feelings she directs at you.”

Ace saw Ina’s tears closely the previous day. And she also saw Liebe hanging his head next to Ina after being teleported there.

And so, she learned what was at the source of those tears.

Even if he was a threat that should be neutralized or eliminated, that had nothing to do with their relationship as siblings.

“Repeating question. What is your role?”

Ace was not herself aware of it, but she expected an answer when she first asked this question. And it escaped Liebe’s lips, as he seemingly resigned himself.

“I’m… Yes. I’m Ina’s older brother.”

For the first time, the magic doll leaned towards the idea that people were fundamentally good.

“Then I will delete the role of leader of Azure Skies that was a threat. I will not be wary of you. You and Ina need to spend time together.”

“…Qualia learned records of you with Ina when Quiet Ghost was hacked. In the records, you were an ideal family.”

Meanwhile, Qualia thought back to the records he had learned from Liebe. In that world of memories, Liebe and Ina were good siblings.

No matter how harsh the world was to beast people, even if they struggled to find food for the next day, even if they struggled to stay alive, he detected very high quality ‘tasty’ between them.

Both Liebe and Ina were happiest at that moment. And Qualia was just at the extension of that happiness.

“It is judged that replicating those records would be the best way to output ‘tasty’ from you before you disappear.”

“…You two…”

The relationship between these three was not supposed to be.

When they first met, Ace was a doll working under Ddos, Liebe exacted revenge for Ina as the leader of Azure Skies with no hesitation, and they were all trying to neutralize each other, or kill.

But the string connected by Ina created a bizarre connection.

It was to the point where they tried to give one of them the best farewell as he departed to the afterlife.

“…Will you know when I’m gone?”

“Affirmative. Your presence can be tracked with the radar.”

“I see. Then I’ll leave the rest to you.”

Qualia and Ace left to the hallway, and Liebe placed his hand on the doorknob. That hand was also in the process of turning to light.

“Thank you, Qualia and Ace.”

He looked at each in turn, and smiled a little.

“This time I really will say one final silly thing.”

And then, only the two siblings were left in that room.

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