About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 18 – Yuugo VS mysterious spiders

Yuugo responded to Melt while taking a knife from one of the passengers, and setting his sights on the struggling Marcos and the three arachlaw.

He ran, then jumped, and broke through the monster magic beasts surrounding Marcos, before handing him the knife.

“Marcos, use this! Cut the thread binding your scissors!”


Marcos groaned with an unpleasant expression, as he heard Yuugo and looked at the violet knife being presented to him.

Marcos could not attack like that, so Yuugo told him to release his scissors and get back in fighting shape. But Marcos put his pride before that, and smacked Yuugo’s hand while yelling with indignation.

“Screw that! Who asked for your help!? I’m a proud noble! I don’t need your pity!”

“You idiot! You can’t fight like that, can you!?”

Marcos ignored Yuugo, and held his left arm in front of him to tackle a monster armor beast. But his movements were too direct, so the monster saw through him easily and dodged.

Then he figured he should use the toughness of the armor to hit a backhanded blow, or thrust with the sharp tip, but the attacks were too simple and obvious to work on the monster armor beasts.

“Dammit! Dammit!! Why won’t you go down!? Even Yuugo Clay did it! It shouldn’t be like this! This, this…!”

“Marcos, calm down! Let’s work together to beat them!”

“Shut up shut up shut up! Shut uuup!! I don’t need your help, I can… Gaha!?”

Yuugo trying to calm Marcos just made his blood boil even more, which was fatal for him.

He took a kick to his unprotected stomach, and barely got a scream out as his midsection bent backwards.

Marcos lost his consciousness after the arachlaw’s kick broke through the magic energy barrier and kept on going towards him, and he was sent flying and smacked against the rock surface. He fell limply on the ground, and stayed there.

“Marcos! Dammit…!!”

Yuugo was concerned about Marcos, after he was taken out by the monster armor beasts, but soon found himself surrounded by them, and became flustered.

They could have defeated one enemy at a time together, but now that Yuugo found himself fighting three-on-one, his face was painted with anguish.

But that was when a savior goddess reached out to him.

“Yuugo, jump!!”


Yuugo heard Melt yelling towards him, and reflexively infused his legs with magic energy, jumped, and faced her.

She created a lot of violet blades while the monsters focused on Marcos and Yuugo, and rained them down on the monster armor beasts.

“Eat this!!”


“Gyohh! Gugyooh!?”

The arachlaw screamed, as they were attacked from a direction that was not on their minds at all.

They managed to protect their vital spots, so the damage was not fatal, but it was still plenty. And Yuugo did not miss this chance.

“Nice, Melt! I’ll finish it!”

Yuugo infused his fists with magic energy, and he clenched them tightly as they released a red light. He was still falling, and he yelled with his sights on the arachlaw.

“Blaster Punch!!”



He used the momentum of his fall as he smacked his left fist on a monster armor beast’s face, and as he landed, he punched another horizontally.

One was flat on the ground and another was sent flying. Both exploded with a light that was crimson like Yuugo’s magic energy, and completely vanished.

“One left! We can…!?”

Yuugo escaped his predicament thanks to Melt’s help, and was about to face the last arachlaw, when a high-pitched monster armor beast roar echoed through the cave.

The arachlaw that avoided Melt’s attack, unlike the other two, shot its thread to the ceiling, and was skillfully moving to attack her.

Melt found herself unable to deal with the arachlaw targeting her, right after unleashing a big move.

Yuugo saw the monster swinging like Tarzan and heading straight towards her, and rushed with great speed to save her.

“That’s not gonna work! Aaaaah!!”

He strengthened his legs by infusing them with magic energy, and moved ahead of the arachlaw by predicting its movements that utilized pendulum momentum.

Dash, jump, and a triangle jump by kicking the walls. That was how Yuugo got in front of the arachlaw, and how he moved his right foot towards it with a somersault.

“Blaster Kiiiick!!”


The momentum of his own jump, and the momentum of the opponent flying towards him. A counterattack like this, helped by infusing his leg with magic energy, made Yuugo kick the arachlaw away as it screamed.

Yuugo landed, and carefully observed his opponent, that was staggering as it tried to get up. But then it fell to the ground, seemingly running out of strength.

And right after, like its friends, it unleashed a red magic energy light from its whole body, and exploded with even more intensity, as its last scream echoed throughout the cave.

“Gogih! Gugoh…! Gyaaaaaaaah!!”

The people saw the dark knight illuminated by the bright explosion of the monster armor beast.

Yuugo almost single-handedly defeated the monsters and saved them, and faced them without undoing his transformation.

“There might still be enemies lurking! Cut the thread while we can! Those of you who can move, please help!”

“Y-yes! Got it!”

There was no guarantee that all the monsters were wiped out, but at least, the danger had passed for the time being.

The passengers followed the words of the hero that saved them, and helped each other rip the arachlaw thread.

“Stay still! I’ll free you!”

Yuugo also used the magic energy infused chop he just learned to free people, and eventually, they were all released. And after checking to see if they were all safe, he pointed to the tunnel they used to get in and yelled.

“Go through there to get to the surface! I’ll lead the way, so follow me! Help the ones who can’t walk, and let’s get out of here together!”

The hero who saved the passengers from the depths of despair cut through the darkness, as the people watched his trustworthy back.

The people felt joyous about returning to their dear families and escaping that danger, and followed him to the light of the surface.

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Blade king form
Blade king form
1 year ago

I wonder if yuugo is going to have a slide form or super form like kuuga or is it going to be like KR Baron that change belt for his super form or even zero-one, hope you keep on translating.

1 year ago

I pray on all that is holy, LET THE MC FIND A ZORD OR AT LEAST A MOTORCYCLE!!!!

1 year ago

Reference Time:

The moves Hugo did in succession is a homage to Kamen Rider Black (Showa Version).

Black does a punch first to weaken the opponent and a Rider kick the kills the enemy .

6 months ago

I wonder if the mc is eventually going to get another suit since it’s mentioned that non mass produced ones do exist, then he can have an upgrade form

It’s meant to be a reply to blade king form*

Last edited 6 months ago by Erubin