About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 3 – It’s an henshin item!!

“Big brother, this is…”

“Hn? What?”

Yuugo took the item being presented to him by Phi, and looked at it.

After looking at the silver bracelet with a red jewel embedded, Yuugo equipped it on his left wrist and looked at his little brother, who continued speaking with a little smile on his face.

“Now, if you want to test it, infuse it with magic energy, big brother.”

“Eh? M-magic energy…? A-ah, magic energy, of course…”

Yuugo was understandably confused by the sudden appearance of a term he was not used to hearing.

He then tried to rationalize that it was a different world, so it was natural for there to be magic and magic energy. He glanced over at Phi just to check, and saw him looking at him with an innocent expression.


“Haha. Hahahahaha. Hahahahahahaha…”

It was bad, there was only so much he could gloss over.

It seemed controlling magic energy was a very basic action in that world, to the point where he could excuse not knowing his surroundings and people by saying he had memory loss, but not this.

That said, saying he was a person whose mind was transported from another world… Would only lead people to think he was suffering from aftereffects of his injuries. And saying he had no idea how to control magic energy would probably end the same way.

Yuugo did not want to worry Phi even more, so he wanted to be careful with what he said. And so, he reached the natural conclusion to give it a go.

(I don’t get it, but let’s just focus. Focus…! Shine! My imagination!! Please, a miracle!)

He stared at the bracelet on his left wrist intently, and poured his focus into it.

As he focused his spirit and prayed with all he had to the heroes who used their imagination and magic as their power, the jewel embedded in the bracelet actually began to shine with a bright red light.

“Uoh!? W-what!?”

The light enveloped him, and Yuugo let out a loud surprised voice while crossing his arms to shield his face.

Eventually the light faded, and after Yuugo slowly opened his eyes, he saw that his arms were covered in some sort of black armor, and let out another surprised voice.

“Oh? Ooh? Oooooh!? What is this? What!?”

“Thank goodness. It looks like Blaster’s adjustments went well.”

“Blaster? Is that what this armor’s called?”

“Ah, yes… It’s an armor type magic item. It’s activated by infusing the bracelet with magic energy, and strengthens your whole body. It’s an old model, and far from having high specs. It’s basically just better than nothing, but I figured that since Garandil was taken from you, and life in the academy would be hard without a magic item, I should adjust and bring to you the thing I got for research purposes.”

“You went out of your way to bring me this cool thing!? Uwah! Seriously, thank you! This armor’s just too cool! Thanks little brother! Your big brother’s really happy!”

“It really is an old model, you know?You’ve been using Garandil, so it’s basically a toy in comparison…”

“What are you talking about!? I got the henshin item I’ve been dreaming of! I couldn’t be happier!”

As he said that, Yuugo transformed and undid the transformation again and again as he pretended to… Or rather, actually performed his ‘henshin’.

But as he stood in awe of the magic of this other world that allowed him to perform the hero henshin he had been dreaming of since he was a child, Phi continued.

“Ah, that’s right. I should explain Blaster’s features. If you send magic energy to the magic crystals in your wrists and ankles, you can perform powered up kicks and punches. Well, that’s really all it has in terms of features…”

“Uhyoh!? I can do special punches and kicks!? Are you serious…!? Can I really have something this dreamy…!?”

“B-big brother? I don’t want to burst your bubble, but this really isn’t something to be so happy about. Hum, hello…!?”

Phi’s words were no longer registering with Yuugo.

Not only did he receive an henshin item, but he also learned that it could perform special moves. This was something that could only fill an otaku that loved heroes with emotion.

He was carried to the bottom, and raised back up.

He felt as though he hit rock bottom after being reincarnated, but with his cute little brother and the henshin item plus power suit, he felt on top of the world.

The design of the armor, which was mostly black with a hint of red, really was cool, and Yuugo transmitted the gratitude filling his heart for the wonderful gift to Phi.

“Thank you Phi! You really just keep saving me.”

“It really isn’t that big of a deal. It really is just better than nothing…”

“It’s not just the magic item. Having someone being so kind to me makes me feel a lot better. Thank you, Phi. I’m the luckiest older brother in the world, for having a little brother like you.”

“Big brother…”

As his big brother gently stroked his head and spoke words of gratitude, Phi’s expression conveyed both happiness and surprise.

And after his face turned red with embarrassment, he got up, grabbed his bag, and spoke.

“…I should be going back. Let’s talk again in school tomorrow. I’ll go see you during the lunch break, so let’s eat together.”

“Yes. Sorry for keeping you out here so late. Watch yourself on the way back.”

Yuugo undid his transformation and saw his brother off with a smile on his uncovered face.

Phi responded with a smile, as his older brother waved his hand, and said one last thing before returning to the dormitory for elementary students.

“Goodnight big brother. See you tomorrow.”

“Good night. See you tomorrow, Phi.”

As he thought about how glad he was to not be completely alone on his first night in this world, Yuugo saw his brother leave, and thanked him again for looking out for him.

Having someone who worried about him filled his expression with more happiness and warmth than receiving the henshin item, or seeing magic with his own two eyes.

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1 year ago

(I don’t get it, but let’s just focus. Focus…! Shine! My imagination!! Please, a miracle!)
– May seem an ordinary line but yeap this is a reference, this is from Mashin Sentai Kirameiger. Juru the Red Ranger power to make anything possible thru imagination by drawing on a sketchpad.

1 year ago

I’m fully expecting our guy to go: “Hissatsu! My very own Hissatsu!”

Seeing him fulfill his dream of henshining and immediatelly practicing the poses is truly men’s romance!

4 months ago

If i get reincarnated i want to be the 8th grade syndrome kid going all
“ugh my right hand, the demon dragon bahamut thirsts for your blood”
and immediately roll around on the ground but still