About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 45 – The monsters attacking near the children

“I’m scared! I’m scared!!”

“Someone help!!”

“Everyone calm down! Don’t panic! It’s all right! It will be fine!”

Meanwhile, the children’s home had turned into a hellish scene with screaming and wailing children echoing.

The children cried because of the small crabs that were attacking, while Melt continuously attacked them by throwing magic energy blades with perfect accuracy, and Marcos used himself as a shield to protect the children.

“It’s no good! They just keep coming! We can’t escape like this!”

Melt yelled at Marcos.

“What’s going on!? Why aren’t the guards here yet!?”

The employees reported the situation as soon as it began, but there was no answer.

Could it be that this attack was not localized to the children’s home, and it was actually going on in the whole city… Both thought, as they were surprised, but continued mowing down enemies as best they could.

“Hang on! We can bear with it! The guards will come if we do! And even if they don’t, I’m sure we’ll find a chance to get out of here!”

“Everyone, don’t give up! It’s all right, Marcos and I are here with you!”

Melt reassured the children, as they worked with the employees to somehow beat back the swarm of enemies attacking them, and waited for reinforcements.

Their spirits were being drained by this seemingly endless battle, but they roused themselves to protect the children with all they had, and continued to eliminate the threats. But then, suddenly, the wave of attacks stopped, and they stopped fighting.

“Is it over…? Did they give up?”

“Don’t get careless. We don’t know when a second wave might come. Let’s check the situation and get ready to escape while we… Hn?”

It could be just temporary, but the threat was gone.

Marcos proposed they use that opening to find an escape route, but then he saw a student walking in the courtyard, and looked closer.

He recognized him, and after checking if he was being attacked, he went out and called out to him.

“Rush, is that you!? Why are you here? Wait, nevermind that. That doesn’t matter right now. Help us get the kids out of here.”

“…Out of here? Where are you taking them?”

“To the Luminous Academy, of course. They have defensive facilities, and the teachers are there. If we can get them there, they’ll be safe. And I’m sure Yuugo is coming this way, so if we can meet up with him…!!”

Marcos’ words carried confidence towards Yuugo, but he closed his mouth and shook his head.

He acknowledged him, but roused himself as he told himself he wasn’t just going to rely on him. Marcos then looked at Rush, but just as he was going to ask for his help again… He noticed.

“…Rush? You’re Rush… Right?”

The boy in front of him was not the Rush he knew.

He looked exactly like Rush Winhelm, but there was a sort of madness exuding from him.

Marcos was not friends with Rush at all, but they did spend all those years in the academy together, so he knew very well how he was.

At that point, he was not the person he knew. He was something that looked like Rush.

The moment Marcos felt this conviction, Rush’s madness swelled as he grinned.

“I see, so Yuugo Clay is coming here? That’s just perfect…! Then you people can be my warm-up.”

“What are you trying to…!?”

Yelled Marcos with surprise as he saw Rush take out the black claw from his pocket.

Marcos saw him use something that was just like what the weird person that attacked this home the other day used, and immediately understood what Rush wanted to do. He tried to hit him and send him flying, but…

“Hahahahaha! Today’s the best day! I get to take down that annoying Yuugo Clay, and get the feed I need to become the strongest! A wonderful day, fitting for the start of my new life!!”


Marcos was a step too late, as he was blown back by the torrent of magic energy that came with Rush’s transformation into a monster armor beast.

When he recomposed himself, he saw something that closely resembled the crab kaijin he fought before, but even more fiendish.

The moment his thoughts caught up and he realized it was a student from his school transformed, Marcos groaned with an expression that could not be described by the words anger or sadness.

“Rush…! Why did you fall into this dark path!? You have to know that’s not the right way to get power!”

“Right and wrong are decided by whoever is at the top. I got this wonderful power, and have the resolve to use it. I didn’t fall into anything.”

“Rationalizations…!! What do you mean you didn’t fall, when you’re causing a mess like this and trying to hurt people!? Where’s your pride as someone who wants to be a magic knight!?”

“You’re so irritating. Like a weak puppy that barks a lot. But it’s fine… The weak should be held down and silenced by the strong!!”


Rush howled, as he swung his right arm that had turned into a giant claw.

Marcos immediately blocked with the armor of his Giga Scissors, but it carried more force than he expected, and it pushed him back.

“Guh…! This power…!!”

He was on another level, compared to the man he fought some days before. And he surely had the defensive power to match.

And unlike that man, who was a novice when it came to fighting, Rush, despite everything, was a person who was experienced in using his magic item to fight.

Marcos’ instincts raised alarm bells. Something inside him yelled that this was bad.

Yuugo, who defeated the other crab kaijin, was not present this time either, making this situation even worse.

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Blade king form
Blade king form
1 year ago

making a guess here, when the hero win and they gain the claw, phil will study it and make it into another magic armor, which in this case for marcos, who may lost or got his giga scissors got destroy by the fight with magaijin rush, phil was originally intent to give it to his brother, yuugo but instead gave marcos as a gift and replace his old magic armor.
I am gidding with excitement for this arc. The only thing I wonder if melt get an armor or a magical girl transformation.

Last edited 1 year ago by Blade king form
1 year ago

No joke, I’m actually excited for the friendship between Yuugo and Marcos. It might be cliche, but it’s a good one.

10 months ago

I guess Marcos will become Kamen Rider Scissors if that happens

1 year ago

I like that Marcos is more perceptive than Zenon. Despite his pride and attitude, he does paid enough attention to notice something is wrong with Rush. Meanwhile Zenon who should have been closer to Rush, didn’t even treat him like a person.

6 months ago
Reply to  Laisy96

Zenon isn’t treating anyone like a person. It’s kinda sad since recently I’ve seen quite a few people exhibit the same type of behavior even in real life