I picked up an unsold slave elf and made her my daughter – Chapter 102 – Sieglinde’s in trouble

“I didn’t expect it to change this much…”

I’m vocalizing my thoughts even though no one is listening, because I guess I want to mask the fact that I’m alone.

“…Just who, and why…?”

I’m not particularly scared of the dark, but being alone in a dark space far from the surface… Is enough to make the feeling of fear start floating around the core of my body.

“…Let’s just document this and go back quickly. And…”

Get Weiss to pamper me, just a little bit.

“…What are you thinking about… Pamper… That’s so unlike me.”

This darkness painted all around me is starting to let a timid part of me rear its head.


…It really is unlike me.

I’m sure that’s not what the girl named Sieglinde Floyd is like in his eyes.

Boring, unappealing, inflexible.

Not charming, and can’t look after children.

That’s probably his impression of me.

It’s a bit sad to be saying this about myself, but I’ve been Sieglinde Floyd for almost thirty years now. I’m pretty sure I know myself pretty well.

Pamper… One thing’s for sure, it really is unlike me.

“…But still.”

I’m not going to be satisfied if I continue living ‘like me’.

He thinks I’m too straight-laced. That if I dressed up more, I’d be cute.

Would that satisfy me?

“…Of course not.”

I want him to think I’m cute in the same way that I think he’s cool. And for that… I really do need to change. Even if it’s unlike me, even if it doesn’t suit me, nothing will change if I don’t take that step forward.

If I don’t take that step forward, I’m going to continue living in this cramped shell.

How did I feel, when he suddenly appeared after ten years, and after I failed to find even a single trace of him?

I guess I thought I didn’t want to let go again.

I’m sure I’m not getting another chance like this. These calm days I’ve been living through now are the sort of thing I dreamed about during those ten years when he was gone.

“…All right.”

We’re in a cave far from the capital. No one is around. No one will see even if I do something that is unlike me. This is the perfect situation.

“That settles it. I’ll…”


“Hello, young lady.”


It suddenly turns completely dark in front of me. And the moment I just barely see the shape of a person, my consciousness goes out.


I suddenly jump.

I really do jump up high. I haven’t been this shocked since Ririi spoke her first words.

But I can’t just be surprised. I immediately turn around, and run back the way I came at full speed.

The darkness magic I cast before Sieglinde and I split up… Was something called enslavement. It’s a spell that literally puts a person under someone else’s control, but if used only slightly, it lets me observe a target.

The real purpose of this spell is to sneak in magic energy and control someone, but by using just a little bit of magic energy, I can tell that person’s condition, even if it’s not enough magic energy to control them.

And right now, the feeling of the magic energy I snuck into Sieglinde… Was cut off.

“Dammit… What happened to her!?”

I run as my mind starts working at full speed.

The first thing that pops into my mind is… A cave in. But that doesn’t make sense. If it was big enough to crush her and make her lose consciousness, I would’ve felt the impact too.

But there was no noise or vibrations that would indicate that.

Next… Dangerous beasts or naturally occurring toxic substances. But that’s hard to swallow too.

There aren’t nearly enough nutrients in this cave to sustain beings that could be dangerous, and most toxic substances carry with them a strong smell. I can’t imagine her being dim enough to carelessly touch or inhale something like that.

“…Please don’t do that.”

Lastly… Someone attacked her. Unfortunately, I can’t think of any reasons why that would be impossible. I have to wonder who could be this deep inside this cave, but it would make sense if it was someone targeting her. It’s not like there aren’t a ton of reasons to target her either.

She doesn’t really use them too much, but she does have a lot of money and power.


A bad thought passes through my head, and my vision flashes red.

“Please be safe…”

I notice my chest getting so hot that it even surprises me. It hurts like it’s burning, and I have trouble breathing. If I had to put a name to this feeling I can’t fight against and is making me act impulsively… It could only be one, and it’s one of the most primitive emotions.

“I’ll kill you.”

I’ve never felt so much anger before, and it’s taking over me.

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