My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 396 – The king speaks with his brother about the miko

My brother Delai met the person they call miko, and established relations.

That’s very good news. There are dark clouds in the future of the Confederation of Saff, and I can’t see what’s coming, so establishing relations with the miko at least gives us more options for the future.

“The miko was a cute girl. When I bragged to her about you, she complimented you. She wasn’t brash, I mean, she was a nice girl despite having special powers.”

Miko. A being loved by god, and a very special person.

It wouldn’t be strange for a person like this to have problems, personality wise. Just being special means that’s a definite possibility. But Delai isn’t the type to open his heart to just any person.

On the surface he looks like he’s the kind of person that can be friends with everyone, but I know that’s not the case. That means that Delai must have liked her, for him to be talking about her in such a happy way.

“It sounds like you liked her. I want to meet her too.”

“I don’t think that will be possible now, but I think you will eventually. I have a feeling we are going to be deeply involved.”

He says that casually, despite having no evidence.

As a king, anything I do draws attention. If I go to see the miko without any countermeasures in place, the other countries will notice. And… I can only see that ending badly.

The countries that want war with Fairytrof will probably want to take her, and use her in their fight too.

I want to have a connection to the miko too, for the sake of the Kingdom of Rezzed, but I don’t want to completely rely on this person called miko. That would be too pathetic.

As one of the countries of the confederation, the Kingdom of Rezzed is small compared to big countries like Fairytrof, and doesn’t have a large population either. But it’s still my country.

That means the responsibility lies with me, and I don’t want to have someone else shoulder it, even if she has special powers.

“I can’t meet her so soon, but I will write her a letter as King of Rezzed. Delai, deliver it to her next time you go see her.”

Even if I can’t meet her for now, I want to build a good relationship.

That’s because she’s the miko, but also in part because Delai seems to like her.

Apparently her name is Lerunda.

“A letter from you, uh… I’d like one too.”

“Why would you want that?”

“Well, it’s one thing to write one as a king, but you have never written one from a personal perspective.”

“No, this one is from the king too.”

“But it’s not official, and writing to a younger girl is basically like writing to a friend, isn’t it?”

“Maybe. From what I’ve heard, it might be best to write it like that instead of being formal.”

Delai is good at currying favor with people. He gets involved with all sorts of people and gathers information without me knowing. That’s why I trust him when he says I should write the letter like that.

And so, I do as he says, and when I smile, Delai smiles back.

“That’s just like you. If you’re going to write the miko a letter, write one for me too. It will boost my motivation.”

“Eh? What am I going to write?”

Delai also wants a letter, but isn’t it pretty embarrassing to write a letter to my younger brother, who I talk to all the time anyway?

It would be simple if it was official, but personal… What would I write?

That said, Delai looks so happy, and seems to be looking forward to it so much, that I guess I’ll have to write it.

“Come to think of it, the village where the miko…”

After talking about the letter, I ask about the miko’s village.

What I hear sounds like some sort of fantasy.

There is a strange village in the middle of the forest. That village houses not only humans, but other races like beast people and elves, who all coexist. And it’s full of interesting things like big, strange trees.

Delai also says that there are probably even more amazing things they were hiding.

A lot of information reaches my ears, because I’m a king, but that really makes me feel like the world is bigger than I thought.

The problems with the confederation, and the contact with the miko. I feel like these two things are going to widen my world even more.

There’s still a mountain of problems, but I feel like establishing a relationship with the miko is going to take things in a better direction.

“Delai, make sure you aren’t rude to the miko.”

“Yes, I’ll be nice. I don’t want her to hate me either.”

I’m sending a letter, but it’s Delai who’s talking to her directly. That’s why I said that to him, and he responds with a happy smile on his face.

—The king speaks with his brother about the miko

(The king enjoys hearing about the miko from his brother.)

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