My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko – Chapter 398 – The girl learns about the Kingdom of Lunid – Part two

The Kingdom of Lunid isn’t like other places I know. It’s not a country of just humans, like Fairytrof and Migha, and it’s not a combination of lots of small countries, like the Confederation of Saff.

“Apparently people in the Kingdom of Lunid get to pick who the king will be, based on who they think is the best among the ones with royal blood.”

“Kings don’t just become kings automatically?”

“Apparently not. And since the current king is old, I heard that it’s almost time to pick a new one. And a country that big can change its course drastically depending on the king’s wishes, right?”

“…Like how Mister Hicked became king, and that meant we started getting involved with Migha.”

According to Mister Nirushi, there have been people over there who had little relation to royalty, but still became king. The king’s son doesn’t become king automatically, and even someone who’s just kind of related to royalty can become king if he’s good enough.

The Kingdom of Migha killed Mister Athos because Mister Hicked’s father wanted to exterminate beast people. But now Mister Hicked is trying to change the country. Having a different person on top can really change a country.

There’s also a chance that this place will change into something we don’t like after we’re gone… Yes… We have to think about that sort of thing too. If we don’t, the place where everyone can feel at peace that Gaius and I wished for might change into something we don’t like.

Thinking about complicated stuff like this is a little tiring, but it’s stuff we have to face.

“ How would the Kingdom of Lunid react if they knew we live here? Migha and Saff have been friendly, but… We don’t know about Lunid.”

“Yes Lerunda. And even if the current king wants us to have a friendly relationship, it doesn’t mean the next one will be the same. We should probably establish a relationship with Lunid after the new king takes over, and we after looking into how things are then.”

“Because it might be trouble later, even if we’re friends now?”

“Yes. If they really want to do something about us, they might launch a sneak attack, or take hostages. We are going to be careful to not let that happen. Well, we don’t know what the new king will be like, or what he’d do if he knew about us, but the people of Lunid we’ve been talking too don’t seem bad.”

“You like people of Lunid, Mister Nirushi?”

“I don’t dislike them. At the very least, there’s no problem if we talk to them normally. But who knows how they’d react if they knew our races, or that we live in the forest.”

He says that, but I’m sure he really doesn’t want to fight these people. The way he talks leads me to think he’s taken a liking to these people.

Mister Nirushi and others have been going there to sell things we make in this village, and gather information… But that really makes me want to meet the people in Lunid that they’ve been talking to.

If they’re all friends, I can be their friend too. But of course, I’d have to be alert too. All I have is a vague idea that they’re nice people…

They’ve only visited villages and towns near the forest, but the Kingdom of Lunid is big.

And apparently they want to investigate the countries around Lunid too.

I was surprised when I heard there was a country called Lunid on the other side of the forest, that I never heard of, but it feels weird to think that there are even more places connected to it beyond it.

I’ve never even been to Lunid, so it feels weird to think about there being even more countries on that side.

The settlements they’ve been visiting only have humans, but apparently there are others with other races.

“Apparently towns have different characteristics, depending on what race makes up the majority. I’ve never seen them though…”

“I see. I want to see what they’re like too someday.”

“I’ve heard they have their own customs too, so we should only go when we learn about that, right?”


“Yes. Like not allowing people to leave town unless they fulfill certain conditions, or deciding you’re going to be married, and other things. Apparently they’re pretty lenient about those sorts of things now, but… I heard they caused big trouble in the past.”

So if we just casually went there, they could take away our freedom unless we met certain conditions?

I’m surprised to hear Mister Nirushi say that.

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