The frontier alchemist ~ I can’t go back to that job after you made my budget zero – Chapter 124 – Ahri, Roa, Taula, and a decision!!

We safely reach a forest near the capital. It’s actually close to where I met Taula.

Thanks to Roa’s long-distance sight and Ahri’s future sight, we managed to avoid encountering any enemies after we left Toma.

But it’s not going to be easy to approach the capital from this point.

Sadly, potions aren’t infinite either, and we have to consider any unforeseen circumstances that might come, so we can’t just charge in.

While we rest here in the forest, I try to find the right time to say something.

There are three active scrolls in front of me. There is water levitating via a 《Liberate》 scroll, which has been cleaned of impurities with a 《Purify》 scroll.

I use the 《Purify》 scroll again, and then a 《Combine》 scroll, and in the center of the floating ball of water, hydrogen and oxygen that were separated inside quickly merge.

Inside the ball there is continuous sparkling, and I hear the sound of an explosion muffled by water.

The energy released by the explosion caused by the merging of hydrogen and oxygen raises the temperature of the water.

I place tea leaves inside it. They get stirred inside the water, and quickly color it.

I take out a tea strainer from my backpack, and pour tea into everyone’s cups.

“Here you go.”

“Thank you very much.”


“Thank you.”

I pour it into my cup too and drink it.

Drinking something warm while traveling really hits the spot.

It’s not actually that cold, but we’ve been running very fast with Hipopo and the others. The headwind is enough to lower our temperatures.

“The rose tea I had before was good, but this isn’t bad either.”

Says Taula while drinking her tea, holding the cup with both hands.

“It’s a waste of alchemy, but it’s good.”

Roa sounds much harsher.

“Using fire would create smoke, and we don’t want our enemies to find us, do we?”

“It flickered.”

“Well, a little. But it’s fine with all the trees around us.”

As Roa and I have this back and forth, Ahri steps in.

“Master Rust, is there a reason why we stopped here to have this little break?”

She’s pretty perceptive.

“Yes, this.”

I take the opportunity to show something I have been preparing.

“This is an assimilation medicine I transmuted last night.”

In the palm of my hand I have four solid type medicines, about as big as the nail of a little finger.

“Assimilation? What effect does it have?”

Asks Taula while peeking in.

“When you drink it, enemies infected by mushrooms see you as one of their own. Or at least they should. As for its composition…”

“Please give us the abridged version, Master Rust.”

Ahri stops me with a smile.

“Yes. Then just the important points. First, there is a time limit. There are probably also classes of enemies that are closer to the demon and won’t be fooled by this. Also, the likelihood of side-effects occurring increases a lot the more you take it. But above all else, I haven’t tested this, so none of this is absolutely certain.”

I count the negatives with my fingers, and look at everyone slowly. Strangely enough, no one looks concerned.

It just makes me want to question them.

Are you really so willing to follow me that you will take a potentially dangerous medicine?

You can still go back to Habbafulton, you know?

But I quickly change my mind. I have to let them make their own decisions.

What I really have to do now is ask them to follow me and fulfill the responsibilities that come with it.

“Are you going to take that here before we go to the capital?”

“Yes, that’s the plan.”

“I see.”

Taula takes one of the medicines from my hand and puts it in her mouth without hesitating.

Roa and Ahri exchange looks, and then do the same.

I have one left.

With the same determination as the three people in front of me, I also put it into my mouth.

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