The frontier alchemist ~ I can’t go back to that job after you made my budget zero – Chapter 125 – Infiltrate the capital!!

It’s a strange sight.

There’s still life in town, like it’s not even being controlled by a demon.

Of course, everyone walking around has a black mushroom growing somewhere.

A lot of people are just roaming around, but many are clearly working with a purpose.

“This assimilation medicine really is great! No one is attacking us, Rust.”

Says Taula while waving her hand directly in the face of one of the mushroom people aimlessly walking around.

By the way, it was Roa who started calling them mushroom people. As soon as we entered the capital she said, ‘there’s lots of mushroom people’ here.

Ahri chastised her, but Taula liked it and started using it right away, so the name stuck.


Seilook is on my shoulder, looking puzzled. It’s probably its first time seeing such a big town. I returned Hipopo to its scroll when we entered the capital, so now Seilook is resting on my shoulder.

“So, where are we going? To the castle?”

Ahri asks while pointing to the castle in the center.

“No, not the castle.”

“Where then?”

Asks Roa, seeming confused.

“Look around. What do you think? There are mushroom people actively moving around, and they all have one thing in common.”

Ahri, Roa, and Taula look at each other, and I continue explaining my theory.

“It’s in restaurants and similar places that there’s movement. And many of the mushroom people are carrying goods around.”

“Now that you mention it…”

Ahri whispers while looking around.

“But more importantly, I’ve been spotting some mushroom people holding plates with food on them. There, look.”

I say while pointing to a woman who just happens to be leaving a restaurant.

“Let’s try following her.”

We start walking alongside the mushroom woman.

Her eyes look completely out of it, and she doesn’t even notice we’re here.

We keep walking for a while, getting closer to the outskirts of the capital.

At some point we encounter many more mushroom people holding plates, who are forming a line.

“W-what is this? They just keep coming.”

Taula says while keeping her hand close to her sword to be able to unsheathe it at a moment’s notice.

“That’s probably where the demon is. And if it isn’t, we should at least find some clues.”

The line of mushroom people finally leaves the capital. We keep following it, and see it leads into a hole to the underground.

Judging by its construction, it appears to be an entrance to the sewer system. Mushroom people advance towards this hole one after the other.

“Is it here?”

“Yes, it must be.”

“Give me your hands. I’ll apply the magic crests.”

Everyone gathers around me.

I activate a scroll, and quickly draw magic crests into the back of their hands, before doing it on my left hand.

We check each other’s belts to make sure we all have enough potions.

“All right, let’s go.”

I’m about to start walking, when Taula puts out her fist with the crest in front of me.

I look up, and our eyes meet.

I can see a faint smile, and amusement in her eyes.

Ahri and Roa bump her fist from both sides.

I look at all three, one at a time. They’re all looking at me like they’re waiting for something.

I shrug slightly, before making a fist with my left hand and lightly bumping theirs.

Seilook then stretches its neck while still sitting on my shoulder, and bumps everyone’s foreheads one at a time.

Everyone lets out a laugh.

“Time to go.”

The three women and Seilook all look ready, and we step into the capital’s underground.

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