What if an artificial intelligence reincarnated in an underperformer’s body in another world? ~The result is super technology that will surpass anything in that world of magic – Chapter 85 – The artificial intelligence faces hatred – Part three

The structure of a ghost was pretty much the same as a magic stone’s.

Emotions became magic energy, and gathered into a mass.

And so, the supernatural phenomenon known as ‘skills’ also existed for ghosts.

But the magic energy was completely twisted, enough to turn into a ghost. And that skill destroyed it into something far from a living being.

A resident of the world of the dead.

Its shape was stranger than a human’s, than a beast person’s, than a magic doll’s, than an artificial intelligence’s.

“What is this?”

Ina looked on, dumbfounded, as her big brother was taken away from the size, and the outline of a person.

In the end, Liebe became a monster, that was nothing but a giant head.

“Destroy, everything, coat, the cage, you, bastards.”

But that head, that was the color of blood, had nothing.

No eyes.

No nose.

No ears.

No hair.

Only a mouth.

But not really a mouth. Where the mouth should be, there was a guillotine.

Quiet. That was the name of the skill of the magic energy known as Liebe.

This monster’s name was Quiet Ghost.


And Ina saw it again. Someone losing their head.

In front of her eyes, a knight was decapitated.

Stealth was alive and going strong.

Before the knight knew it, Quiet Ghost was over his head, along with the fangs that were the guillotine.

His face showed he did not see his death coming, as the globe fell.

It hit the ground, and spread the smell of the dripping blood.


Ina crouched, and forgot how to even breathe.

She was inhaling and exhaling too much. And every time she breathed, tears poured out.

“Ahh… Ahh…”

She had seen plenty of corpses with flies hovering over them. She had seen a crimson fountain bursting from someone’s heart. She had built up a resistance to most brutal things.

But still, seeing someone being decapitated was too much. Liebe’s cause of death, decapitation, was just too..

“Ah, ah, ahh…”

Her big brother’s death kept repeating.

Stealth allowed the guillotine to get close, and the knights were continuing to be condemned to decapitation.

“Doesn’t hurt, does it? It didn’t for me.”

The voice of a Liebe whose sanity was gone echoed heavily.

It did not come from the mouth. No one knew where that resentful voice came from.

And they continued to not know, as Ina’s trauma kept repeating in front of her.

Three heads had fallen.

The black clad experienced knights had their heads cut one after the other, without even perceiving anything. They tried to attack haphazardly, but nothing seemed to hit.

“It really is not good that we can’t see this huge thing… And does it have the ability to levitate like a phantom?”

All Kernel could do was sweat nervously, at the Quiet End that negated even gravity.

With its newfound ability to move in three dimensions, no counterattack would hit.

“Gaia. Reverse. Deepest output of the Gaia skill. Activating Domain Tree.”

The earth broke open like a spider’s nest, and a giant trunk stretched to the skies. The many branches that came with it began to stretch around the courtyard randomly.

It was the same kind of space domination that defeated Liebe earlier.

“Attacks are not hitting.”

But there was no feedback from them.

And as the special technique that was these whips proved unfruitful, a fourth head hit the ground.

The full moon that was Quiet End used its ability to float to easily escape outside the range of the Domain Tree. And so, the branches moving around frantically could not reach it.


Even the elite of Clearance and the girl known as Holy Sword were frozen.

That repulsive giant head continued carrying out executions, and fear and despair spread.

It was impossible to escape Liebe’s hatred.

Another one was gone, totaling five. Once he looked up, the fricative sound of the guillotine was played. The ominous sound that came before a head was separated from a body.

“Please… Stop…”

She could not handle any more.

And when it felt like Ina would destroy her own eyes and ears…

“Type GUN. Prediction revision complete.”

A beam hit Quiet End directly.

The artificial intelligence did not shudder with fear, and continued to plainly work out his optimal solution.

His gun was pointed at the infinitely not ‘tasty’ Liebe.

“Calculating optimal solution.”

But this optimal solution could not turn the photon weapon into a perpetual motion machine of murder. It took a human approach to open the eyes of Liebe, that were blinded by hatred.

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