About the case of destruction flags being demolished after a nichiasa loving otaku was reincarnated as a villainous student – Chapter 50 – Hero conditions

Phi raised his head after his brother spoke to him, and saw Yuugo half looking towards him.

His face that was mostly exposed under the destroyed helmet was cut, and dirty with blood, but… He had the same strong smile on his face as always.

His face gave off the feeling that there was nothing to be worried about.

Phi felt his tears naturally stop, as Yuugo continued overpowering Rush despite just barely hanging on, and continued speaking.

“Phi, I’ll teach you a couple of important things. Listen closely, it’s really important.”

Yuugo turned his back on his little brother, and kicked away the monster armor beast that was attacking.

The monster spread black dust as it hung in the air, and Yuugo continued.

“It might seem to you that I’m in trouble. Those claws might pierce me and kill me at any moment. But that’s how a hero fights. It’s always like that. Protecting is much more difficult than destroying, and harsh, and tricky… You really have to try hard. To fight like a hero, you have to keep fighting battles where you just barely survive. But then, why step into battles like those? The answer is…”

“What are you prattling about!? Focus on the buheh!?”

Yuugo’s right fist caught Rush’s left cheek.

After delivering a hook, Yuugo’s momentum took him in the direction where his brother and the others were… And he finished his sentence with a gentle, but strong smile.

“Because they have people they want to protect behind them.”

“Big brother…”

His body was hurt, and his equipment was in tatters. He by no means looked elegant.

But… From Phi’s point of view, Yuugo looked immensely proud.

“Heroes first become heroes because they want to protect something. Just having an henshin item and power doesn’t mean anything. Phi, what made me a hero was none other than… You and the others. Heroes show their true value when they fight to protect something. It’s because you’re here that I can keep being strong.”

Yuugo was running out of Blaster’s metallic particles. He should be feeling cornered.

But… Seeing him made Phi feel reassured. He could trust that light even in a desperate situation.

“…I’ll tell you the second important thing. Another hero condition… Never give up. Especially not in front of people that believe in you.”

And that was what Yuugo did. He fought to protect people important to him to the very end.

No matter how tattered he became, no matter how cornered he was, he would face forward with a smile on his face.

As a hero who would be the people’s hope…!!

“…You believe in me, right Phi? I’m not gonna lose to anyone, any time. So don’t make that face. Just wait, I’ll send this guy flying in no time.”


Phi still believed what his big brother said after his duel with Marcos.

Yuugo would definitely not lose. He would beat any enemy, and be the strongest hero. He believed in him… Yes, that was what Phi said to his big brother.

And Yuugo believed those words. He always held those words close to his chest, and fought to become the best hero he could.

And so… There was only one thing Phi could do, as Yuugo’s little brother.

“Go for it, Yuugo! You can beat that thing for sure!!”

“Win, win Yuugo…! I’m sure you can break through any desperate…!!”

“Don’t lose Mister Yuugo!”

“Don’t give up Yuugo! Please, for the children…!”

…It was not just despair that could be transmitted from people to people. Hope could too.

At this moment, the despair produced by the villain Marcos was surpassed by the hope brought by the hero Yuugo.

Melt, Marcos, the children, the employees… No one was despairing anymore.

They believed Yuugo, the hero who was fighting for them, and cheered him on.

“What? Why? How can you make those faces? How can you say that!? This guy is in pieces!? Why!?”

Rush could not understand how they felt.

He took away lives, futures, and beautified it as necessary sacrifices. And so, he could not comprehend why Yuugo, who carried people’s feelings on his back the right way, was overpowering him.

He also did not know that it was always someone who carried people’s feelings like that who overturned desperate situations.

The seeds of a miracle had already been sown. Everything he called pointless and meaningless served to set the stage for his defeat.

Blaster was broken by the monster armor beast’s attacks and disassembled into metallic particles, but they reacted to Yuugo’s magic energy and returned to his bracelet.

Along the way, they absorbed the magic energy from the remains of the many blades Melt used to attack, creating even tougher metal. And much the same way, the destroyed tip of Marcos’ Giga Scissors that carried a lot of magic energy was disassembled, and returned to Yuugo.

“…I believe in you, big brother. You’re strong and great. And invincible. And cooler than anyone. You’re my hero, so… So…!”

Phi looked directly at his big brother as he took in people’s feelings and his friends’ power, and yelled.

The hero’s scarlet, the gold of the unshattered shield, and the violet of the blade that would not back down shined in turn in Yuugo’s bracelet as he held it up, and was hit with the last piece it needed, his little brother’s whole-hearted support.

“Win! Big brother!!”

With the power of his friends and the trust of his little brother in him, Yuugo smiled confidently.

While creating a torrent of magic energy that made the impact that occurred during the transformation into a monster armor beast seem like nothing, Yuugo faced Rush, who feared what he could not understand… And yelled loudly.

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1 year ago

No Fear! No Pain!

1 year ago
Reply to  Ryuuga

Ai no mae ni tatsu kagiri

Blade king form
Blade king form
1 year ago
Reply to  Ryuuga

Ai no mae ni tatsu kagiri
No Fear No Pain
Osoreru mono wa nani mo nai

1 year ago

Reading this while playing ‘Believe Yourself’.

Blade king form
Blade king form
1 year ago
Reply to  Fate

Ugoki-dashite ‘ru mirai wo tomerarenai
Sono saki no poshibiritii
Ore-tachi dake no…

Blade king form
Blade king form
1 year ago

This remind me the first time I watch kamen rider Kuuga, his first battle with the spider and gain his reason to fight and transform from growing form to mighty form inside the burning church, It was beautiful, it was blood pumping, I stop watch kamen rider after a while but reading this make me want to watch from showa to heisei again.
Truly Yuugo will chou henshin!!!
wonder if there a image for the new form Yuugo will change or do I have to wait for the manga instead?

1 year ago

Wait for the manga. But from the way the author describe his new form, it’s basically Rising Titan.

8 months ago

A true riderlike transformation

6 months ago

It says “At this moment, the despair produced by the villain Marcos was surpassed by the hope brought by the hero Yuugo.”, but shouldn’t it say “villain Rush” instead of “villain Marcos”?

5 months ago

its like i am watching a kamen rider episode…