We go down the mountain without anyone starting to feel bad, and reach the border city Belka three days after leaving Lacteus. But what comes…
Tag: another
The road to Lacteus isn’t well maintained enough for wagons to pass through, but we still manage to make our way up without much issue.…
“Thank you so much Sora. Big sister, everyone, I caused a lot of trouble.” “Don’t be like that Casey. We’re all friends here. And it’s…
“Well then, we will begin the process of emancipation based on the contract. I trust there isn’t a problem?” I nod. Mia is a debt…
“That’s not right.” Says Rurika. Rurika and Chris are relaxing in our room after taking a bath, so I told them about what happened earlier.…
“Thank you Sora. You really… Saved Casey…” Leila says the next morning, as soon as she sees me. Last night Bloody Rose erred on the…
“How did it go?” Asks Fred with a worried expression as I walk down from the second floor. Now that I get a better look…
“Hikari, I’ll definitely be stronger than you the next time I see you. Come back some time!” “Hn, and I’ll beat you back. But I…
“But why, father? If we continue to not pick laurel tree fruit, I think it will lead to confusion and disorder…” “I know, but minotaurs…
“Hm, no need to be so hasty, young lady.” Rurika calms down, bows, and moves back. “But it is a dangerous place. And there is…