The frontier alchemist ~ I can’t go back to that job after you made my budget zero – Chapter 167 – Let’s start the exploration of the underground ruins!!

I visit the underground ruins again, and they look the same as the last time I was here.

Ahri and Roa, who are a part of the advance party, are here to help with the exploration, and Seilook is on my shoulder. And of course, Master Halhammer is leading the way.

We go down the ladder from the surface, and after walking for a while, we reach the place where Master Halhammer lived and did research.

It’s a complete mess. You can tell a man immersed in his research lived here alone.

There is a lot of preserved food stacked in a corner of the room.

This is the place we were heading to, before we had to turn back to save Seilook. Not that I regret it, especially after seeing this terrible sight.

“I had some free time, so I brought quite a bit of daily supplies from Habbafulton and cleaned up. Sorry, but I have nothing to offer you as guests.”

Master Halhammer says while laughing loudly.

“This is incredibly dirty. And this is what it looks like after cleaning?”

Whispers Roa.

“Harsh as always, young lady.”

He says while still sounding cheerful for some reason. Ahri on the other hand seems flustered.

“Nevermind that. More importantly, are you sure it’s a good idea for the two of you to leave Kalin’s side? We never got to the bottom of that attack in the capital.”

I say to Ahri while we walk. That attack was almost certainly related to the shaman, but the one who actually sent those skilled people is probably someone else.

If the shaman was attacking us directly, he would have probably sent familiars.

“We asked Lady Kalin to stay put in Habbafulton for a while. Security is considerably thick there.”

As Ahri is saying this, Master Halhammer stops.

It’s a dead end, but the wall in front of us looks to be made of the same material as the one in the mausoleum.

“It’s here. This is the most probable spot according to what you told me.”

Halhammer points to the wall.

I take out the magic crystal key given to me by Princess Lily, and slowly approach the wall.

“It might take me somewhere. Grab on to me just to see what happens.”

I don’t know exactly what this unknown primordial transportation magic considers a target.

There’s a good chance that grabbing on to me won’t transport other people along with me, but it’s better than doing nothing.

I check to see if everyone is grabbing my shoulders or arms, and hold the key to the wall.

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