The frontier alchemist ~ I can’t go back to that job after you made my budget zero – Chapter 462 – Extra chapter – One who crossed through worlds – 《Fourth world》

Hilda and I looked at each other, after hearing Yaed’s story.

She looks puzzled, but I don’t see doubt in her face.

I don’t see why this Yaed would tell such a grand lie to people he just met in the first place.

“Recently, I’ve heard from another person that there are different worlds too. That makes what you say very interesting to me.”

“I see.”

“And you say you knew my father in that different world. What was he like there?”

“He was brilliant. Too brilliant.”

Mister Yaed says very little. He just sips the tea, and stays quiet.

That’s enough for me to sense that there was friction between them.

“Hum, what about my father?”

Hilda breaks the silence with a question of her own.

“Rihalzam was a proud man.”

“Was he…”

Hilda looks a little happy.

“So, you’re heading west?”

“We are. But we took refuge here because we were chased by god eaters.”

“What? Araysla?”

“You know about it, Mister Yaed?”

“Yes. The first thing I noticed here in the fourth world, was that it was like the church of Araysla had changed into the church of Rose. I was surprised to see Araysla as an evil god devouring the world.

I see that time has come. You can’t go back to the surface because of the god eaters?”

“Yes, thankfully, I heard that this underground waterway dungeon’s water flows west.”

Chita, unlike Hilda, doesn’t seem to believe Yaed’s story of a previous world. But still, she maintains a cool expression as Yaed responds.

“Yes, the waterway flows west. But it goes way down from here. And the dungeon hasn’t dried up there.”

“We were ready from the start.”

“…I see. Hmph.”

Yead snorts and gets up. Then he starts rummaging in the corner of the room.

“Here it is. Take it.”

And then, he hands us a cylindrical something.

“What is it?”

“A one of a kind item I brought from the third world. A magic item pipe I had in my pocket when I died there. And for some reason, it was also in my pocket when I woke up here. Rust was involved in the design and creation of it in the third world. It should be useful to you.”

Yaed says, before taking out a knife from his waist and inserting one of its teeth into the joint of the pipe.

There’s a cracking sound, and the pipe opens in half.

“It’s this. This circuit board. It’s something the basic research department made to capture magic elements.

Yaed takes a small, square board from the magic item, and places it in the palm of my hand.

And my eyes with four powers do see vestiges of the magic elements that are particular to things my father makes.

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