Walking in another world – Chapter 363 – Elizabeth – Part one

When I woke up, there were eleven fellow gods. Apparently it was the same for them.

The moment we woke up, we knew who we were, and what to do.

Our duty was to watch over a world that existed in a different space. If any malfunction occurred, we were to deal with them. At that point, I didn’t know what said malfunctions were.

That world had just been born, so a lot of things were happening. The beings that inhabited it looked like me, so I felt a sense of affinity.

I knew they were called people, humans. To be precise, I’m sure that knowledge was already in our heads.

Thinking back, all the other gods had distinctive forms. They would use transformation techniques, and sometimes walk on two or four legs too.

And me? I couldn’t do something so embarrassing.

I’m getting off track.

We called the world they lived in Archa, and watched as it became active.

The humans that were few in number at first slowly grew, and began to learn and produce various techniques.

And as their numbers grew, they split up into groups, and the areas they lived in expanded. Eventually, they created countries.

After that, humans continued to slowly grow.

In the meantime, there were great conflicts that made a few countries disappear, and others were born, but there was never a conflict big enough for humans to go extinct.

And one day, a god said.

“Humans are fun! Yes, so fun!”

Then that god disappeared, and a race other than humans was born in Archa.

That race looked like said god, with ears on top of their heads, and tails on their backs. They came to be called beast people.

We understood why they were born.

Because that one was brimming with curiosity, and couldn’t help it.

But then years passed, and then decades, and no one saw that god again. That god never returned to this world.

Even after searching carefully through Archa, that god was nowhere to be found.

That might have been what started it all.

Eventually, another, and then yet another god disappeared, and every time, a new race was born into Archa.

And at the same time, wars kept breaking out, and many lives were lost.

To further complicate things, beings with strange shapes called monsters also appeared, and this era of hardship continued.

The twelve gods were down to four. The demon god Haeckel, the dragon god Alzahak, the spirit goddess Eliana, and me, the goddess Elizabeth.

The four remaining gods worked frantically and without rest to deal with the changing Archa.

If the world called Archa was twisted any more, it would collapse. Somehow, I knew.

But there were fewer than twelve gods managing it, and furthermore, things that were not there originally were born in Archa.

We kept falling behind, and despaired at our inability to do our duty.

In the meantime, Kochel created something.

It was something that retrieved the souls of the dead, turned them into energy, and sent it back to Archa. He called it the soul circulatory organ.

That energy fixed the distortions in Archa, and for a while, we were able to deal with them.

But that did not last.

“…At this rate, Archa will be destroyed.”

Was the last thing Kochel said.

“…Al, Eliza, I will do what I can.

Eventually, Eliana was also gone.

I was left behind, and despaired. I couldn’t stop the destruction anymore.

I thought those two had given up on Archa. They abandoned it.

I resented them for abandoning their duty, and blamed myself for being powerless.

But in the meantime, two more races were born into Archa.

I thought more terrible things would happen, with even more different races, but contrary to my expectations, Archa was headed to an age of stability.

Ten years, twenty, a hundred, the peace lasted. I had peaceful, gentle days that I had forgotten at that point.

I wished those peaceful days would continue, and for the ones who disappeared to come back.

Was it because I held a wish beyond my means? Because of the warmth in my heart?

By the time I noticed a change, it was too late. I was too late.

The earth in Archa cracked. Mountains erupted, and there was a great seismic change.

Everything born in Archa suffered equally. Those strong monsters with such vitality went extinct one after the other.

In the middle of this endless despair, Alzahak disappeared, as if running away.

And that left only me.

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Otaku Hikikomori
Otaku Hikikomori
1 year ago

Thanks for the treat.

1 year ago

So we are getting her story now