What if an artificial intelligence reincarnated in an underperformer’s body in another world? ~The result is super technology that will surpass anything in that world of magic – Chapter 17 – The artificial intelligence stops a tyrannical chivalric order – Part one

Not long after the sun started shining, the wagon started moving on the well-maintained road of the capital.

The old world Qualia knew as Earth was such a ravaged wasteland, that seeing a stone paved road actually felt fresh.

“Human detected. Human detected. Number of humans vastly exceeds expectations.”

The world around Qualia was filled with many more voices and people walking around than in the Sandbox domain.

Qualia picked up all the information around him, from the buildings that looked different from the ones in the Sandbox domain, to the faces looking at Qualia’s head poking out the window as if he was strange, to the idle chatter around him.

“Detecting human smiles. Detecting smiles endowed with ‘tasty’.”

“Master Qualia, it is as though you have never seen a human before…”

Ina looked at him warmly, as though she was looking at an innocent child.

“Anomaly detected.”

Qualia’s face froze.

He saw people wearing armor beating a beast person.

“Master Qualia!?”

Qualia immediately jumped through the window, and as soon as he landed, he ran straight to the alley where this unreasonable act of violence was happening.

The people wearing heavy armor were without a doubt knights, and they were stepping on a young man that could not move at all.

“If you bump into someone, you prostrate yourself and say you’re sorry, right!? Or can the lil’ beast boy not even do that?”

“No, you’re the one who…”

Qualia knew even without hearing this back and forth. The person being crushed under the armor was a dog-eared beast person.

“Are you arguing back? What, you think a beast person like you has the right…!?”

“You’re wrong.”

The knight stumbled, as Qualia got close and pushed him back.

“Who are you?”

Qualia looked around.

“Analyzing situation. You are inhibiting this beast person’s smile.”

The knights were taken aback by this sudden interference, but blocked the path to the main road to stop Qualia from escaping.

There were six in total, just the right number to surround someone.

“Request explanation. Why are you taking away this beast person’s smile?”

“Because we’re not appreciated enough.”

The man that seemed to be the leader stepped forward and introduced his group.

“We are the guardian chivalric order Troy, and we work ourselves to the bone to protect the capital day and night… And this here beast person popped up and started acting hostile. We have to protect the peace, don’t we?”

“T-that’s not…”

The beast person who could only crawl tried to argue against this unreasonable idea, and the knights sneered in return.

“Beast people only think about theft and violence. They haven’t evolved a bit since primitive times. We gotta stop it before it happens.”

“Situation understood. An overreaction to risk.”


“Your actions lack credibility.”

He said, interrupting the frowning knight.

They were the same as Arrows and Wannacry, threats who took away smiles.

These threats took away smiles like it was natural because they belonged to beast people.

“Warning. Any further hostile action will label you a threat to be neutralized.”

“What? What makes you want to take the side of beast people of all things?”

“This individual is Qualia, of the guardian knight chivalric order Hello World. Qualia’s role is to create ‘tasty’.”

The knight grew impatient, and stretched his hand towards Qualia.

“Hello World? Does that even exist…?”

“You have been labeled threats. Incapacitating.”


But Qualia brushed that arm aside, and struck the knight’s chin with his fist through the shortest possible distance.

As expected, the knight crumbled as his eyes rolled back.

“What do you think…!?”

“Executing first task as part of Hello World.”

The knights unsheathed their swords, seemingly willing to even kill.

Qualia on the other hand activated his 5D printer without a hint of emotion on his face.

“Type SWORD.”

The five lights that appeared from his five fingers created a silver tube, a photon weapon, and a one meter long beam sword stretched from the handle.

“Analyzing situation.”

Qualia took in information through his eyes, ears, and skin.

He saw the knights’ breathing, posture, the instability of the footing in the pavement… With more than enough detailed information in hand, he began to make virtual calculations about the battle that would unfold.

“Calculated optimal solution.”

There were five enemies left. The issue here was that it was his first time facing multiple humans.

“Master Qualia!”

It goes without saying that Ina was worried.

She jumped down from the wagon to go after Qualia, but was stopped by Lobelia.

“Hey, Ina. If you jump in there without thinking, that’s just one more thing Qualia has to worry about.”


“Let Qualia handle it. I want to see how this situation plays out too.”


“Well, it will be fine. If it comes to that, I’ll use my authority as a princess.”

Lobelia watched the battle unfold while calming Ina.

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