The frontier alchemist ~ I can’t go back to that job after you made my budget zero – Chapter 230 – Research mode!!

Right after the mock battle, Princess Lily says she has some duties to perform, and leaves the courtyard in a hurry.

She leaves a footprint every time her wet foot touches the ground.

She’s probably going to get changed.

Taula and I are left behind, and we both look at each other.

“Should I do it, Rust?”

“Ah, Taula, I’m also…”

“All right, here I go, Rust.”

“Ah, hold on! Let me get ready…!”

“It’s just for a bit. Ohh…”

Taula makes her sword emit that purifying light while I prepare a pendulum and a 《Transcribe》 scroll.

Part of that light transforms into lightning again.

It seems like that purifying light in the shape of lightning really does reflect Taula’s thoughts.

Taula grasps her sword with one hand, and positions her other hand away from the sword.

A sparkling light starts intermittently passing from the hand holding the sword to the empty hand.

The crackling sound it makes echoes through the courtyard.

“Ah. I wanted to observe it in detail from the beginning, but this really is incredible. I’ve never seen anything like this.”

“You too, Rust!? But it really is great. And the way it sparkles is beautiful. But what is it?”

Taula looks at the lightning shaped light between her hands with a shine in her eyes. When she turns her hand over, the light follows her movements.

I’m actually relieved to see her feeling well again, as I look at the mysterious phenomenon happening in front of me and fighting a losing battle to contain my curiosity as a researcher.

“All right, I’m ready. If you help me, we might figure something out.”

“My sword is yours. I am always ready to assist you.”

Taula’s cheerful expression turns serious as she says this. Although her eyes are still shining.

It looks like she’s also very interested in this phenomenon.

And for better or worse, we do have the time to spare.

“All right. Then turn off the purifying light for now. Let’s study it thoroughly.”

I say, and start investigating.


“A-are you done, Rust! It’s been too long!”

Says Taula while breathing heavily.

The clock ticks past noon before I know it, and we are now in the afternoon. It looks like I was too focused on this. Apparently I asked her to repeat the process of activating the purifying light and controlling the lightning when it appears too much.

I guess her stamina is drained…

And while I’m still in my researcher mode, I hear a cute sound coming from Taula’s stomach.

“…That’s right, we haven’t had lunch.”

I whisper in response to Taula’s sound.

“…! Rust! Couldn’t you have pretended you didn’t hear it!?”

Taula is upset. It’s my fault she skipped lunch too, so I should just apologize.

“Sorry. I got a lot of interesting data, so let’s stop here and eat…”

I interrupt myself as I see someone approaching.

If I remember correctly, this is someone who works as a housekeeper for Princess Lily in this mansion.

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